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Hello there! ^o^/

How have you been and how was your weekend? :D We've been experiencing a mild heat wave in Santa Barbara so I took the opportunity to go to the beach and it was just what I needed. ^^ I realize I spend so much time in front of the computer that I tend to neglect stepping outside regularly. Turns out fresh air does in fact do the body good and feeling the cold ocean water and warm sand beneath my feet was wonderfully rejuvenating~ (*´▽`*)

Above: A couple of patrons have requested I draw Sombra! I ended up drawing her with Widow since they probably hangout whenever Talon has downtime. :'D I really enjoy their relationship dynamic since their personalities are so different. Widow's always serious and ruthless while Sombra is playful and mischievous, it's funny thinking about how they manage to get along. 

Officer D.Va! >:3 I can't believe it took me this long to draw this skin since it's one of my favorites in the entire game, but here she is at long last! Something tells me that she'd probably love donuts, especially those of the pink-frosted sprinkle variety. 

Practicing new poses! It's always tricky drawing unfamiliar poses, but the challenge is worth it! I especially love drawing ballerinas, they're so incredibly graceful and poised it seems unreal. *_*

Flame atronach from Skyrim! I'm not used to drawing horns so I'll have to keep practicing, but I love her design so much!!! I especially like how she moves in-game, floating while fire trails behind her and flipping around in the air like a dolphin haha~

A collection of characters! This is my first time drawing each of them and I had a lot of fun. :'D From left to right, top to bottom: Bucky, Prince, Bruce Wayne, Blackwatch Moira. 

Thank you Tim, Nazs, yupls, and luvsskat for the requests! ^^

Some very good doggos! TuT Drawing dogs is so much fun and I literally want to draw them all??? They're so cute and it's hard not to smile just looking at them. TToTT<3

Thank you Nikki for the request! ^^

Hope you enjoyed the sketches! If you'd like to request something for me to draw just leave your suggestion in the comments and I'll give it a go during the week and post what I came up with in the following sketchdump. I can't guarantee that I'll draw every single one though I do encourage you to leave a request! (*^▽^)/    

Thank you so much for your support! I hope you have a lovely week, sending you lotsa love and encouragement! ~ヾ(^∇^)




Nazs Shah

Kyaah thanks for taking up the request Vicki ! Much love ❤️☺️

Stash (-3-)

ohhhhhh gosh more of my fav purple gals your pullin all my heartstrings!! i love how you give them a almost fluorescent glowy purple look it's one of my favorite styles for them and the lil mid air jump heart T3T so gosh darn cute!!! aaah officer d.va so cute i love the lil siren they gave her too and she looks so wholesome and good and that bunny doughnut is just too darn presh!! ahhh such cuties i love the placement of the swimmer gals it's got such nice movement to the piece and the ballerinas are gorgeous you did the tutus so well especially when shes sitting it's bringing back all my young memories from dance -3- ohhhh the atronachs were my favorites from skyrim i love the flame as well as the Spriggan and even tho they're kinda creepy i really love the Hagraven too! ahh love the lil sketches esp blackwatch Moira, what a gift from blizzard~ and gosh darn if those aren't the cutest doggos!!