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Hello loves! ^o^/

How was your weekend? ^^ Happy April by the way, it's always exciting to enter a new month. I have a lot of plans for this month so I'm gonna work hard to get them done. Is there something that you're working on as well? If so, let's do our best!  ☆ Now, onto the sketchdump! 

Above: I started a mini-series of girls in space. With each passing day my love and interest in space only grows. Getting the opportunity to explore space through art is such a wonderful feeling. I've started learning more about the subject as well through a set of postcards I recently bought. Each one has a beautiful photo of space and a caption on the back explaining when it was taken and where it's located. It's wild thinking about the infinite nature of the universe. Like it's literally inconceivable to understand just how much of it exists. Mind-blowing stuff really. 

D.Va after winning a match! It's important to start hydrated! >u<

Practicing how to draw hair. I want to continue doing more studies. I've found that I really enjoy drawing hair that looks fluffy and has tons of volume. *w*

A few figure studies! I tend to struggle with drawing full body poses so I wanna improve! >v<


Speaking of drawing more full body poses, here are some more dynamic dancing ones! I like to reference dance videos on YouTube for poses. The dancers are always so fluid and expressive, it's also fun just to watch them dance! ^^

Thank you Cassie for the request! <3

The iconic Audrey Hepburn! I've actually seen a few of her movies before and I think she's rather funny. ^^ And long before I watched those movies I recognized her as a style icon and humanitarian. I've admired her for a long time so it was nice getting to finally draw her. 

Thank you Maria for the request! <3

A steampunk gal and some Pikachus! I'm actually kind of in love with this character, I think I'll keep working on her... also, I don't know much about steampunk fashion/aesthetic, but I found tons of really cool outfits when I looked it up! *-* Miranda, I know you had requested Detective Pikachu specifically and for some reason I had a hard time drawing Pikachu standing??? So here are a few regular pikas for this week and in the future I'll tackle detective Pikachu again! <3

Thank you Katelyn, Jennifer, and Miranda for the requests! :D

Hope you enjoyed these sketches! If you'd like to request something for me to draw just leave your suggestion in the comments and I'll give it a go during the week and post what I came up with in the following sketchdump. I can't guarantee that I'll draw every single one though I do encourage you to leave a request! ^^<3     

Wishing you a wonderful week~ Hope you're doing well, let's have a fantastic April! <3




Miranda Sanchez

LTTP, but oh my gosh your Pikachu are adorable! It's been a stressful week, but catching up on your posts always makes me happy!

Stash (-3-)

ahh i always love your space pieces the colors on them are always phenomenal and again you do SUCH a great job of creating glows they always mesmerize me! and especially the kinda sad falling one makes me remember one of my fav music vids with it's airless floaty vibe (it's super nicely done if you've not see it yet! <a href="https://vimeo.com/248406668" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://vimeo.com/248406668</a> ) and i love how you've got the stars on the skirts it's such a cute aspect!! ahhh i love dva chilling with her mech she's always too cute!!! oh gosh your studies are always so fun to see i love all those hair styles and those leotard gals are gorgeous, the colors are just stunning as usual! and those dancers ahh! they always have such nice styles in the dance vids too even when they're just practices they're so nice to watch! oh goshhh i love the audrey pieces so much you've got such a nice way with drawing older films i remember you had a lil pinup old Disney piece once that was so darn cute too!!!steampunk is so nice i love how cute you made her and like new cyberpunk is so good too i always see like super intricate headphones that're such pieces of art themselves it's amazing! and pikachu ahhhh tooo cute And i just recently started watching sun and moon and honestly it's amazing they've created such a nice style and they just go offff on wild emotions, it's so nice to see like a modern take kinda on one of my favorite childhood shows and it's just as charming as i remember!