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Hello there! (ノ´ヮ´)ノ*:・゚✧

How was your weekend? I hope it was refreshing and that you feel prepared to take on the new week. ^^ I did end up seeing Black Panther over the weekend and it was so fun! The costume design, music, and acting was all excellent, I'm really glad I got to see it in theaters. :D 

Before we dive into the sketchdump, I want to introduce something new starting this week! Since we recently surpassed another milestone goal (congratulations to you! what a magnificent thing that we've achieved together~ ^^), you can now comment every week with what you'd like to see me draw! Just leave your suggestion in the comments and I'll give it a go during the week and post what I came up with in the following sketchdump. I can't guarantee that I'll draw every single one though I do encourage you to leave a request! ^^<3 

Now that we've covered that announcement, it's time for the sketches! Above: Gosh I love drawing Bubbline so much. Every time I see them together in the show I feel so happy. =u= 

A patron (hi Cassie!) suggested I play around with more purples in my work and I jumped at the opportunity. It's true that pink is a strong part of my wheelhouse and comfort zone so I wanted to push myself to try something new. Surprisingly I really liked using purple, I'm definitely inspired to use it more in future work. :D

A sophisticated vampire~ ;D

Overwatch's newest hero, the daring and strong Brigitte! I'm absolutely in love with her (I cried watching her short LOL to be fair I've cried watching every single one of those shorts...THE MUSIC ALWAYS GETS ME) and I really want to draw her more and play her in game. *u*

Drawing plants always makes me feel so happy and calm. Plus I love working with green, I think it's such a sweet and inviting color. 

Bet you thought there wouldn't be any D.Va!! My love for her knows no bounds...Drew her in some cute dresses with fun bunny details and lotsa bows haha~

And that's a wrap for this sketchdump! Thank you so much for your support and congratulations again for surpassing another milestone! <3 Remember to leave a sketch request in the comments, if there's something you've wanted to see me draw let me know! .+:。(ノ・ω・)ノ゙Have a fantastic week and look forward to a giveaway post this week in celebration of our achievement! <3 Much love~




megan simpson

I always love looking at your weekly sketches and the more d.va in the world the better the world becomes. As far as sketch requests....I would love to see your take on the ladies of Overwatch as mermaids (especially our perfect bunny goddess).

Stash (-3-)

ahhhhhh i love all of your bubbleline pieces but this one is just sososososoooooo amazing!!! they're so soft and cute and the mixing hair gya i love it!!!! and all that purple yessss it's one of my favorite color schemes and you did them all so lovely! The bonus color swatches on her arm too i love the blue and pink are sucha good pop T3T ahhh and that sweet vampire is giving me vampire knight vibes they had the cutest uniforms! yes yes love any and all Brigitte art, and their shorts are just big ol heartstrings tuggers, the music is phenomenal and i can't count how many times i've seen the widow one it's so chillingly good. ahhh your greenery pieces are so great and i love the lil cactus pots how cuteee! and that hair T.T ombre goals!! ahhhhh the d.vas are too cuteee my heart!!! that last one too the pink bow socks and lil jumper dress are too adorable i love it! you always deliver on your d.va pieces i'm always looking forward to them <3