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Hello love! ♡(ŐωŐ人)

I've got February's monthly roundup of sketches, process photos, and a new wallpaper for you today! To access the rewards download the .zip file attached to this post, unzip, and enjoy! 

How was your February? Did you learn or try something new? ovo  Although it was a short month, it was jam-packed with many moments of creativity and proactivity as well as personal growth and I look back on February fondly. ^^ I've made my mental and physical health priorities in February and it has only improved the way I approach art and work. I used to push myself to create endlessly and it was a surefire way to burnout and injury. Valuing myself enough to take care of my body and mind has not only served me in the moment, but also helped me build positive habits that are beneficial in the long-term. <3

I hope you enjoy the rewards and have fun looking through it all. ^^ Thank you for an amazing February and here's to an even better March! And if you need a little motivation for the new month, here's one of my favorite quotes from Robert Tew:

"Sometimes what you're most afraid of doing is the very thing that will set you free." 

Have a great weekend, sending you all my love! <3





You inspire me so much that I picked up my pen for the first time in months this Febuary. So thank you for that, and thank you for sharing so much on here!! It's so much fun to go through your posts. ^-^


Oh my gosh Becky that's wonderful! ;u;<3 I'm so happy that you're looking forward to creating and I hope you have fun while doing so. ^^<33 And thank you so much for your support, I'm so happy to have you as part of the patreon family! :D