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Hello there! ( ´ ▽ ` )ノ

Hope your week is going well so far. ^^ And just like that we made it to February! :O Isn't it interesting how time seems to move slowly when you're living day by day, but when you look back it seems to have flown by? It only makes me appreciate each day more. ^^ I've been trying out some new things creatively recently and it's been a lot of fun! I know from past experience that changing too much at once can backfire, so I've been taking small steps, stretching myself further in this and that direction, slowly but surely moving out of my comfort zone. 

Above: Was listening to records one morning and wanted to draw something peaceful and happy to reflect the experience~

I have this idea for a new series with D.Va and Korean food. Here she is in a bowl of sundubu jiggae or soft tofu soup! ^^ 

Something a bit different, more conceptual than what I normally draw. 

Of course I had to draw the actual black cat skin, it's too adorable! >A<

I've been simply smitten with the colors pink and red recently as well as sparkles and hearts. Was in the mood to draw something extra pink and extra cute~ 

More food drawings! :D I'm surprised I don't draw food more often seeing as how it's such a big part of my life and also I literally love eating it...Here's a sketch of a big feast shared (?) with kitties! 

And here's a lil PharMercy to round out the sketchdump <3

Hope you enjoyed these sketches! ^o^/ Thank you so much for your support, I hope you have a lovely week filled with yummy food hehe. See ya in the next post! ^^ 





Aaa thank you so much Mary! :D<3 Kitties and food are truly what make this earth beautiful ahaha~


Ahaha Tim! You enable me to draw more D.Va and honestly I'm grateful.


I really love the soft colors in all of these! And I have to say that cat kotatsu image just really melts my heart ahhhhh

Tim McGreger

So, Korean Food D.Va...why do I find myself loving this concept...oh, that’s right...you + D.va = magic!