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Hello there! ^^ 

With another month gone by, it's time for another monthly roundup of rewards! In this compilation you'll find a new wallpaper, process photos from the artwork I completed in December, as well as a compilation of all of December's sketches. To view the rewards just download the .zip file attached to this post, unzip, and everything's ready for you. Hope you enjoy! <3

December was an interesting month. By default it's one of my favorite months because of Christmas so it's easy for me to enjoy and exciting to look forward to. But a combination of external events and personal conflicts grew into a unique struggle that made the first half of the month quite challenging. Thankfully, by some grace of the universe, the second half of the month was wonderful and filled with love and I was able to celebrate in ways that made those tough days seem like distant memories. 

Life is filled with ups and downs so I'm anticipating bad days, but right now I feel good and calm and I'm really enjoying that space. Sending you lots of love and light always and I hope you have a great day~ <3




Tim McGreger

Happy New Year! Sorry to hear that your December started off so rocky, but very glad to know that it ended so well. Either way, I will be thinking happy thoughts and sending them your way in the hopes that 2018 is a great year for you! I'm looking forward to another year of watching you continue to evolve and, frankly, just enjoying all of the great art you will be producing!

Stash (-3-)

Ohhh happy holidays vicki!!! i'm glad the month ended well and i hope your following year is just as positive!!! love the lil flashy gif too very cute!!!


happy new year tim! :D<33 in all honesty, i think i needed something to shake me up that badly so i could really understand what i value in life. simply put it was a lesson that had to be learned one way or another! thank you so much, i hope 2018 is a wonderful year for you as well! with each passing day i feel more free when it comes to creating art which makes me believe that this year is going to be filled with a whole lotta fun for us! :D


happy holidays and happy new year anastasia! ^-^ hope this year is kind and lovely to you~ <33 hehe i'm glad you like it! i'm playing around with the way i make posts on patreon :D