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Hello there! (ノ≧∀≦)ノ

It feels exciting and humbling all at once to be writing up this post. Reflecting on 2017, even specifically in relation to Patreon and you as a patron, I can clearly see all the wonderful things that we've achieved together. 2017 in particular was a year of many firsts. 

Some of you may remember that this was my first year working full-time as a freelancer. I had very little experience, a lot of anxiety about my capabilities, and was so afraid that I was going to fall flat on my face and fail before I started. But despite all that, I had a lot of ideas and was determined to bring them into reality. And with your help and support I was able to do all that and even more! I truly believe no one gets anywhere alone and I couldn't be more happy to have so many of you walk alongside my journey of art, self-discovery, and improvement. My hope is that I can continue to learn and do better and make your experience with my work enjoyable and fun! ^-^ I believe our words have power to shape our reality and I want to tell the universe that we'll make 2018 a wonderful year and fill it with moments of love. <3

And because we deserve to celebrate, here's a list of things we achieved in 2017! 

-made zines for the first time

-made pins for the first time

-made a year long calendar for the first time (so many firsts, so exciting! :D)

-completed two monthly challenges (Mermay and Inktober!)

-worked with Blizzard to create an original comic and artwork for Overwatch

-surpassed our second Patreon milestone

-not to mention the act of perseverance required to get through each day and stretches that may have been difficult or painful in your personal lives; it takes courage to go on despite hardships and you ought to be very proud of yourself for those efforts <3

Just take a moment to think about all that. We did that. 

I have MANY new projects planned for 2018 and I can't wait to share them with you as they develop. I want to aim higher, do more, and I feel confident that we can achieve great new heights this year. It may not be easy, but it'll surely be a ride worth remembering. 

I hope you have a wonderful new year and feel fearless in 2018. You have something to offer this world that no one else does and I encourage you to live your truth in the coming year. Wishing you lots of love always~





happy new year vicki!! <3


Happy new year to you too Vicki! Your art is so inspiring to me and I can't thank you enough <3 I hope you're doing well


happy new year dear nikki! :D<33 aaa you're so kind i'm glad you feel inspired to draw, that's awesome! ;o;<33