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Hi everyone!

Hope you're all enjoying your weekend~ ^^ I've got some fun pieces to share with you today! For starters, I've completed the postcard piece for July. Once again, I've tried out something new and I'm quite pleased with the outcome! I've gone back to my headphones theme and wanted to draw something super cute and thought adding kitties would be particularly fitting for the occasion. :D I really enjoyed working in this softer inking style and will try exploring it more. 

To my dear $10 patrons who pledged in July, you can expect this postcard in your mailbox in mid-August! ^^ $1 and $5 patrons, if you're interested in a limited edition print of this piece, make sure to pledge $10 before the end of July. <3

I also finished another D.Va piece! I simply cannot stop drawing her...

I drew her in a popular Kpop pose where idols make little hearts out of their fingers. Here's a picture of Irene from Red Velvet doing the pose:

I had so much fun working on this piece! Working in a colorful style is always so enjoyable, I like adding unexpected pops of color to liven up a character. 

I hope you enjoy these pieces! ^^ What's something nice that happened to you today? In my case, I tried a vegan oatmeal chocolate chip cookie for the first time and it was absolutely delicious! I'm gonna have a hard time resisting eating another tonight. *_*

Hope you all have a wonderful day and thank you so much for your support! 





Anna Banana

I love kittens omg


Hi hello it's me your resident kittens lover, I love your art, I love cats so you're telling me I am going to receive some more of your art and that it includes kittens??? I AM SO EXCITED. Can't get enough of all the beautiful stuff you create !! Much love !


Oh you better believe you're about to receive some kitties in the mail! :D The world could always use more cats it's true. Thank you so much for your support Saphira I can't wait to send you your postcard! ^^