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Hi everyone!

Hope you have all been doing well! <3 I've got some news to share with you all BUT FIRST 

May postcard! 

I know it's later than usual this month (I am so sorry!), but I finished it today and wanted to post it asap! If you're new here (hi, welcome) I make postcards every month for $10 patrons and the theme I'm following this year is headphones. I tried taking a different approach with this month's postcard and featured several people instead of just one. I've really been into illustrations with minimal colors recently and wanted to try it out myself! It's interesting working with less colors, it really forces you to focus more on linework and shape. I ended up paying most attention to line weight and and highlights. 

It's pretty different from what I normally do, but I think that's part of the fun! Art is all about trying new things and pushing out of your comfort zone. I think it's great to have a style that you're known for and at the same time it's so freeing to absorb inspiration from different sources and taking note of what makes each style enjoyable. No need to pidgeonhole yourself into one style if it makes you uncomfortable. If you want to try new things, go for it! Learn as much as you can and express yourself in as many ways as you want. ^^<3

If you're interested in a limited edition print of this postcard, make sure to change your pledge to $10 before the end of May! This piece won't be reprinted anywhere else or sold in my store, it is a Patreon-exclusive. Postcards will be sent out mid-June. In fact, April postcards were sent out last Friday and should start arriving soon if they haven't already! Hope you all enjoy them and thank you so much for your support! ^^ 

Now for some updates. I know my posts have been a bit sparse on Patreon the past week and a half. I do apologize for that! I've been doing a bit of everything. I'm not one for excuses, but here are the reasons: packaging orders, travelling, and commissions. In fact, I got commissioned by Blizzard recently to work on...well, I can't say for legal reasons, but it's gonna be cool! ;D So I'll be working intensively on that this entire week and I can't wait for you all to see it! ^^ I've also been keeping up with Mermay this month and post them daily on my Twitter  and Instagram  as soon as I finish them if you'd like to follow the series. <3

Regular posting should return after this week (although I will be moving house in a month, but we'll get to that when that time comes! haha). You're all wonderful and I'm so thankful for your support and presence. Thank you for being a part of...all of this, I'm so happy to have you here along for the journey. Let's keep learning and doing our best to live our lives! You're great and you can do anything. <3





Stash (-3-)

ohhh firstly the colors here are so amazing they flow so swell it's stunning! secondly Congratulations on working with blizzard that's so exciting and i can't wait to see what you make of this!! 🎉

Tim McGreger

Looking forward to receiving this one, and huge congrats on the Blizzard commission! BTW, received my April postcard today, and it was worth the wait! The quality of the print was really fantastic! Thanks!!!


Thank you so much Anastasia I'm happy to hear that you like it! :D<3 And yes, you'll see what's happening soon so do stay tuned! C:


Woohoo! I look forward to sending it to you! :D Thank you so much Tim! ^^ And awesome, thanks so much for the feedback, looks like I'll be sticking with Catprint for the foreseeable future. I'm happy you like how they turned out! <3