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thanks to your well wishes, I've been gradually recovering after my trip and feeling a lot better! jetlag + illness is one of the nastier physical ailment combos I've experienced in this lifetime and I'm grateful to be on the other side of that chaos. ( ̄ω ̄;)

I've been gravitating toward my sketchbook lately, because it's a place where I feel comfortable getting messy, scribbling with different tools, and experimenting with new ideas. I can tell when I'm feeling overly precious and careful with my process and in those moments I'll turn to my sketchbook to remember how to let go and loosen up. I like that there's no undo button. whatever you put down is there, so it becomes a question of how to work with what you have and improvise. the limitations encourage me to come up with creative solutions and experiment in ways I wouldn't normally think of. it's an opening into new approaches, wading through stagnant waters and emerging into a rushing current. ✶

thanks for reading, I hope you have a good day!

✦ vicki 


reminder to myself and anyone else who needs it
iroha from kpop group illit doing poses from magnetic ^.^
reminder to myself and anyone else who needs it
drawing in crayon and marker of lilies my partner bought :] (kuma is safe no worries <3)
having fun drawing lil icons and symbols lately
fun poses of bob fosse's choreo from sweet charity. highly rec watching the dance!



i always love seeing you explore with typography and symbols, it feels very organic and fun! i also love how this set of sketches feels….fluctuant. i think it captures your state of being which serves as a poignant record because it’s how your mind and body is expressing itself in that particular moment. that moody blue sketch is scratching an itch in my brain! feels like you really unlocked something there! (a la picasso’s blue period) and the red and black of the fosse sketches feels very vintage, i love ♥️✨


thank you lily! :D yess, I love exploring stuff that helps me lean into organic expression and access the feeling within the object or concept. yeah, I love looking at artists' sketches, because they feel like peeks into transitions and attempts at connections and understanding. I agree that there's a vulnerability present in sketches that isn't always in 'finished' pieces. a lot of my sketches are about learning new things, figuring stuff out, being messy, embracing the process. it hasn't always been this way, but I find that I get the most value out of sketching when I use it as a tool for exploration.


love the illit spread so much! my favorite pieces of yours are the spreads (like the 90s grl power one) from your sketchbook, i use them for pinterest/twitter banners !! :D


aww thank you cata! ^^ ooh, i love doing those, thanks for reminding me about that format :'D