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aka when the going gets tough, when the universe throws one too many simultaneous curveballs...

...I try and simplify my priorities by getting back to basics. I think about the ways I need to take care of myself that are easy to overlook in the face of problems that loom larger and feel more demanding. while not always easy, simple tasks like eating, showering, going to the bathroom, and sleeping can help us feel more stable. trying to problem solve while forgoing these necessities tends to make things harder. while tempting to neglect, the truth is that we only ever show up better for ourselves, for others, for solving the problems of our lives when we've taken care of our basic needs. I made this lil comic as a reminder for myself, because I need it and I'm somehow always relearning this lesson. I hope it can help you, too!

in my last post, a lot of you also shared that you're Going Through It right now and I just want to take a moment to extend the grace and compassion you showed me right back to you. to be alive is to face problems and sometimes it can be really hard. especially as we get older, problems can take on new layers of complexity that require us to learn approaches that we're unfamiliar with. we're all living this life for the first time, it's only natural to find it challenging. we're doing the best with what we know and that's all we can ever really ask of ourselves. sending you extra strength and encouragement today if you need it! <3

✦ vicki 




needed this today. thank you vicki 💕


love you, thank you for this ♥️