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B rank races and higher had a few fundamental differences from races of previous ranks, the most famous being how they could leave behind bloodlines.

There were also artificial bloodlines like Mila’s original Prime Servitor, and bloodlines could be inserted into living cultivators while existing bloodlines could be enhanced, but there was a reason most bloodlines in the Prime Material were natural.

Bloodlines had a hint of at minimum B rank power, and the jump from C to B rank, especially when it came to races, was huge.

First, B rank races didn’t just provide racial abilities, awoken partially at random based on a cultivator or monster’s race, family, and truesoul inclinations, but additional inherent racial abilities based purely on the nature of the race. And, like with the race Aalam was planning on awakening, for every racial ability one already had which matched with the inherent racial abilities of their race, they’d awaken a replacement racial ability, an absolute goldmine of potential power if one planned for it.

Second, B rank races permanently bonded to a cultivator or monster’s soul. This meant stripping away someone’s power to artificially lower their rank like he’d done to Diana, Vanar, Raven, and the sadly deceased Wen—as well as his own clones—would be nearly impossible without the other party having an undying nature like his master, but, in exchange, it meant the power of a B rank’s qi, mana, and psyforce were all greatly enhanced, racial abilities were slightly easier to increase in grade, and resistance against magic which directly influenced the soul was strengthened, something Mila had already noticed.

Finally, third, for anyone with a bloodline of a lesser grade than their race, their bloodline would be absorbed to influence their new racial abilities instead of granting them extra powers, something Aalam and all those he considered part of his inner circle would work to avoid.

To this end, Aalam’s true body was sitting in the center of a giant three-dimensional array formation inside the Spirit Smith’s demiplane, an absolutely massive formation of metal, wood, and various floating liquids shaped like a dodecahedron, with one of his twelve clones sitting on each of the dodecahedron’s sides, each an elemental which looked exactly like him, if he were a ghost made up of the pure essence of one of the twelve elements.

What was most impressive, however, was not the intricate and incredibly expensive formation, nor the twelve elemental clones, but where the formation was situated, inside the hollow portion of the planet-sized bones which made up the tail of the Radiant Behemoths skeleton.

Even with the help of the Endless Seal forming the base of the formation, it took everything Aalam and his clones had to stay conscious, and he was having so much fun.

With a roar which, as expected, resonated with the power of the dead elder god, Aalam activated the formation and his bloodline at the same time, taking in the energy of both his clones and part of the Radiant Behemoth’s skeleton. At the same time, he also activated his System boon from the C rank Universal Tournament, a massive amount of pure refined nascent energy entering into his soul under the System’s control to provide the raw soul matter needed for what he was about to do next.

First, he arranged his soulstructures from his clones, twelve sets of core container, mana well, and mental forge trinities connected to form powerful single element cultivation cores of pure primal power, around his original trinity, creating a never before seen formation within his own soul which allowed the twelve new cores to empower his original, finishing the design of his Heavenly Spark Primal Purity Core. No longer would it just increase the quality of all his energy by one rank and raise his affinity with all Laws by 500%. Now it would increase the quality of his energy by one and a half ranks and raise his affinity with all Laws by 700%.

Second, he used a large amount of nascent energy to make the twelve extra mental forges and core containers he’d gained from his Ascended Multi-Mind and Ascended Multi-Core skills permanent, wiping the two skills from his soul and leaving him with a permanent thirteen of each main soulstructure type.

Then, finally, third, he used the abundant amount of natural energy he’d gathered from his Territory and placed within the formation to empower his thirty-nine main soulstructures, ever so slowly improving the first uniqueness he’d ever awakened even as he used the remaining energy along with everything else he was absorbing to increase the grade of his bloodline, the rank and grade of his race, and awaken a new Empyrean grade uniqueness, Heavenly Spark Emperor, which increased his affinity with all Laws by an additional 700%, all while keeping himself from exploding.

Id was a berserking uniqueness, one which usually resulted in the death of anyone who awakened it, and, even though a few of his truesoul’s past lives had researched it to gain a better understanding of how it worked, none of them had ever seen anyone advance it past Divine grade.

When Aalam was done with his race advancement, however, a process which took three days—the gods of the universe thankfully not finding him during that time—he became the first in known history to advance Id to Supreme grade, and it’s effects were just what he’d wanted, making the overcharged state of his soulstructures permanent along with permanently boosting his cultivation cores.

On paper, this change wasn’t large, increasing the quality of his energy by an extra half rank and raising his affinities with all Laws by an extra 400%, but, in practice, it was the single largest jump in power of his entire life.

Without the boost from Id, the quality of his energy would have been upper B rank, advancing to upper A rank once he advanced his classes and entered B rank for real, but, with the boost, he already had the energy quality of an A rank, enabling him to use A rank artifacts and boosting all his skills by multiple orders of magnitude, and his energy quality would soon advance to God rank, allowing him to truly match gods.

Done with his advancement, Aalam teleported to a different part of the demiplane, a small spatially enclosed area where Mila was waiting for him, bathing in a pool of liquid resources which could help empower her bloodline which they’d gathered over the years, and there he transferred all the remaining genetic power from his advancement, of which there was about 25% of what he’d prepared, to his wife, empowering the advancement of her own race and bloodline.



With all twelve of her divine category Laws at the peak grade Law Scarab level, Mila used the energy Aalam gave her, along with the nascent energy from her own boon from coming fourth in the C rank Universal Tournament, to form twelve extra single element divine shadow cores in her twelve extra core containers, matching Aalam’s modified soulstructure formation as she also made her extra core containers and mental forges permanent.

And the result, as expected, was amazing.

Instead of increasing the quality of all her energy by half a rank, raising her affinity with all Laws by 500%, and increasing her resonance with the divine roles of any universe she entered, her completed Heavenly Spark Divine Shadow Core, fed by the power of her twelve new single element divine shadow cores, increased the quality of all her energy by an entire rank, raised her affinity with all Laws by 700%, and, most important, increased her resonance with the divine roles of any universe even further, allowing her to store even more external divine power in her soul.

Then, like her husband before her, she raised the grade and rank of her race while enhancing her bloodline to a higher grade as well, a process which also took her three days.

And, when she was done, right when she’d just become fully conscious, Aalam picked her up out of the now mostly empty pool, spun her around while they both laughed, and kissed her.

Using her sensory domain, Mila could tell there were no real changes to their appearance, just as expected, but the changes to their souls was absolutely massive and both she an Aalam couldn’t stop smiling as Aalam, while still hugging and spinning her, teleported them to one of the several dozen C rank portals to one of his universes where they quickly left the Prime Material.

Then, while still enjoying the moment, Mila used one of her now permanently thirteen minds to look over some of the System messages describing their new selves.


Your race has upgraded from Sublime Soul Heavenly Spark Primal Soul Lord Prince (C-Empyrean) to Semi-Divine Sublime Soul Heavenly Spark Primal Soul Lord Law King (B-Divine)

Your race has four modifiers and is unique in the universe. Would you like to rename it?


Semi-Divine Sublime Soul Heavenly Spark Primal Soul Lord Law King (B-Divine) renamed to Heavenly Spark Soul King (B-Divine).

Heavenly Spark Soul King (B-Divine)

A unique race in the universe, lord of souls, the elements, divinity, and energy

Racial Ability Slots: 10

No limits, but a higher chance for soul and noble related abilities, abilities which raise all affinities, abilities which boost divine powers, and abilities which boost the handling of primal energy and the flow of qi, mana, and psyforce

Complete dual classes possible

Inherent Racial Abilities:

Soul Lord Law King Battle Armor (Divine)

Primal Heart (Divine)

Elemental Law Form (Divine)

Heavenly Spark Essence Conversion (Divine)

Soul of the Primal Elements (Divine)

Power of Divinity (Divine)

Max stats:

Strength: 149,299,200 (600)

Agility: 149,299,200 (600)

Endurance: 149,299,200 (600)

Toughness: 149,299,200 (600)

Vitality: 194,088,960 (780)

Perception: 149,299,200 (600)

Magic: 194,088,960 (780)

Spirit: 194,088,960 (780)

Soul: 253,808,640 (1,020)

Aura: 194,088,960 (780)

Attunement: 194,088,960 (780)

Luck: 179,159,040 (720)

Stat Growth Per Level:

Strength: 19,440

Agility: 19,440

Endurance: 19,440

Toughness: 19,440

Vitality: 32,400

Perception: 19,440

Magic: 32,400

Spirit: 32,400

Soul: 38,880

Aura: 0

Attunement: 0

Luck: 0

Advancement Criteria:

Control a Titanic amount of Territory for an A rank

Have a maximized Soul stat

Eat the equivalent of 32 A rank souls at once

Absorb the genetic power of 6 primal beings of at least A rank

Raise 3 high grade Law Dragons for each of the 12 elements


Current race is Sublime Soul Heavenly Spark Primal Soul Lord Prince (C-Empyrean), has control over a Titanic amount of Territory for a B rank, has a maximized Soul stat, has the Heavenly Spark Pure Soul (Empyrean) racial ability, has a high grade cultivation core or cultivation cores capable of controlling energy of all twelve elements, has absorbed the genetic power of 12 C rank sublime soul variant elemental lords with perfect soul compatibility, has absorbed part of the racial power of a Divine Dragon at the Elder God level, has exceeded the maximum stats of a Sublime Soul Heavenly Spark Primal Soul Lord Prince (C-Empyrean) by at least 100%, has absorbed enough pure refined nascent energy to double stats during advancement, has raised 3 early grade Law Dragons for each of the 12 elements



Is there a supreme rarity between empyrean and divine? Did they just skip two steps?


Also, wasn't Aalam supposed to be able to use C rank portals from the new skill he got from the inheritance? Why B rank portals?

Andrew Robinson Leinbach

Thanks for the catch. He doesn't have that skill yet, but they haven't actually advanced to B rank yet either, so it wouldn't matter. Reduced to C rank.