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Diana’s anger didn’t last even ten seconds after appearing on a new E rank planet undergoing an apocalypse style integration.

It couldn’t. Not with the contents of the System message which popped up in front of her immediately after her reincarnation.

Awakening your third racial ability as a Strong Soul Demigod Avenger (G-Legendary).

Please choose from the following three selections.

  • Omniglot Reader (Legendary): You can understand all non-magical and low-magical languages in both written and spoken form.

  • Divinity Absorption (Legendary): You may slowly absorb and process the energy of gods to make it your own.

  • Form of the Demigoddess (Legendary): You gain a second race, the same as your race when you were G rank in your previous life, along with all the race’s racial abilities, limitations, and requirements for advancing in rank. You may then switch between your races once every twenty-four standard hours. And, while in your other race, you regain the class you had as a G rank in your previous life instead of the class you now have as a Strong Soul Demigod Avenger.

“Holy fuck.”

Vanar, who’d reincarnated as a cute ghostly fox kit—see-through, gray, tiny, and absolutely adorable—turned to look at her, but Diana mostly ignored him.

That second racial ability was something she’d never heard of and seemed amazing. But the third?

A second race, along with a completely different set of classes.

And she just knew she’d be able to merge them at some point.

It was ridiculous.

And then Diana realized the implications of her being reborn from her daughter’s body instead of her own.

She’d had a few ridiculous racial abilities—Omniglot Reader, Nascent/Primal Energy Converter, and Spirit Prodigy being the main ones, Spirit Prodigy especially as it had given her a new mental forge for every spirit she controlled, i.e. a new mental forge for every one of her mana wells—but Isaiah, after her death, had gained more, Power of Balance, Runic Enhancement, and Power of Chaos being the absolute standouts according to Vanar and Nana Xara.

And, as Isaiah had used his now C rank blood to help power the artifact involved in creating her new body, and given the way her brother normally operated, it was almost certain her race ‘in her previous life’ would not be what her daughter would have naturally been born as, but what her daughter would have been born as had Diana gotten pregnant from Isaiah as he was now.

She was almost certain Nana Xara had said something of the sort when she hadn’t been listening.

So, she would have the potential to awaken all those normally exclusive racial abilities with the cost of only a single racial ability slot from her main race.

Then it hit her why Aalam had increased her number of mana wells to 36, realizing just how many spirits she’d have under her control, and she turned to look down at Vanar. “I am going to be so overpowered.”

Vanar, instead of responding to her, just snorted his little fox nose and turned away, Diana somehow getting an impression of mild amusement.

She wasn’t sure exactly what Vanar’s race was, but it was somehow connected to her own, and, for a second, she wasn’t sure how to feel about that.

But then she realized she was delaying becoming a Mary Sue type character, so she quickly chose the third racial ability option and waited for the intense tingly sensation all over her semi-transparent ghostly body to fade.

Then, when she was given the option to choose a fourth racial ability and Divinity Absorption was one of the options, she quickly chose that racial ability as well.

Name: Diana Alvaro

Level: 0

Race: Strong Soul Demigod Avenger (G-Legendary) / Strong Soul Runic Balance Chaos Dragon Hybrid (G-Legendary)

Bloodline: Primal Soul Lord (Mythic) / Primordial Titan (Empyrean)


Magic Prodigy (Legendary) / Omniglot Reader (Legendary)

Junior Holy Soul (Legendary) / Silver Soul (Legendary)

Form of the Demigoddess (Legendary) / Power of Chaos (Legendary)

Divinity Absorption (Legendary) / Power of Balance (Legendary)

Class: Citizen (G-Common) / Citizen (G-Common)


Underlord (G-Legendary) 100% mastered / Balance of Dualism (G-Legendary) 0% mastered

Yin Force (G-Legendary) 47% mastered / Yin Spirit (G-Legendary) 0% mastered

Yang Force (G-Legendary) 39% mastered / Yang Spirit (G-Legendary) 0% mastered


Law Larvae:

Flesh - Early

Necrosis - Early

Day - Early

Night - Early

Flame - Early

Ice - Early


Strength: 189

Agility: 189

Endurance: 221

Toughness: 221

Vitality: 221

Perception: 200

Magic: 306

Spirit: 208

Soul: 306

Aura: 189

Attunement: 189

Luck: 189

Free Stats: 0


Lower Dantian: 1 Large Core Container 

Middle Dantian: 28 Small + 6 Huge + 2 Colossal Mana Wells

Upper Dantian: 1 Large Mental Forge


Magic Queen

Yin Yang Queen

Soul Queen

Shadow Queen

Personal Servant of the Heavenly Spark Soul King I: Gain the effects of the Heavenly Spark Pure Soul (Legendary) racial ability

Personal Servant of the Heavenly Spark Soul King II: Gain the effects of the Nascent Energy Converter (Legendary) racial ability 

Personal Servant of the Heavenly Spark Soul King III: Gain the effects of the Monster Agent (Legendary) racial ability

Diana moved to a nearby pond and took a look at her reflection.

She looked different, more than just how she was partially see through, grayscale, and obviously made of energy rather than matter.

She was prettier, her eyes were more lizard-like, and, most important, she was considerably taller, about Mila’s height instead of her old short self.

Then, as she transitioned her race, something she instinctively knew how to do, she watched her form somehow transition into being made of matter, making part of her brain realize her ghostly form had been made of far more energy than she’d realized.

The larger part of her brain, however, was focused on her appearance.

Her skin was paler than it had been in the past, about halfway between her old self and Isaiah, and her long hair was lavender, her eyes indigo and draconic, and she was prettier than she had been, with a better figure and taller, about Mila’s height instead of her previous 4’11”.

In short, she looked like a cross between herself and Isaiah, like her daughter would have looked, and she started to cry.



Vanar watched as tears began to fall from Diana’s eyes, her previous excitement fading. But, from her expression and aura, he could tell she was feeling sorrow rather than her previous anger, and, at least according to what Ms. Davies had told him when Ms. Li asked him to consult her before reincarnating, that was healthier.

But he wasn’t sure the therapist knew what she was talking about. Sadness hadn’t done him any good, only acceptance, and acting on his rage when given the chance had been the most cathartic part of his entire emotional journey after losing his own family.

Sure, acceptance had been key when he couldn’t do anything to Taravan, but Diana wasn’t in that position.

She would either successfully get her revenge or the United Federation of Planets would be wiped out.

There wasn’t much middle ground.

The true question was whether she’d work to get her revenge herself, or if she’d become lazy and let Lord Aalam do everything for her.

Vanar would, however, allow her some time, at least a day or two before her training would start again.

To that end, however, he’d first have to figure out how to communicate.

As a fox ghost kit, he couldn’t talk, barely even yip, and that would be annoying.

He did have a triforce version of telekinesis as one of his three skills, however, so he’d be able to write, but there had to be a way of taking advantage of Diana’s Omniglot Reader racial ability without using the skill.

He’d just have to figure out how to move his fox body to express one of the seventeen languages he knew, something to practice right after he decided on his third racial ability.

Awakening your third racial ability as a Spirit Guarding Fox Kit (G-Common).

Please choose from the following three selections.

  • Magic Prodigy (Legendary): Slightly increase the quality of your mana.

  • Tails of the Spirit Guardian (Rare): For each tail you have, you may immediately return to the side of the spirit lord you were born from once per seven days from anywhere on the same planet.

  • I am the Sword (Legendary): You were born from a sword and can transform back into that sword, albeit lowered to your rank, whenever you so desire, with all your power intact.

His current racial abilities, One with the Blade (G-Legendary) and Ideal Human Cultivation (G-Legendary), increased his physical stats by 12.5% when he was holding a sword and gave him a cultivation speed rivaling an Ideal Human respectively, both perfect for his future build, and both were rare racial abilities, the only reason he was able to awaken them because Lord Aalam had done something to his soul before his reincarnation, but they were nothing compared to the three racial abilities he now had to choose from.

Magic Prodigy was the best racial ability for mages and, even though Vanar wasn’t and likely never would be a mage, he was tempted to take it. Tails of the Spirit Guardian would be useful for keeping Diana alive until their new planet’s teleportation platform was set up and it would evolve with his race, eventually becoming the racial ability which would be the cornerstone of his path to power. Then, finally, I am the Sword would boost his power considerably, enabling him to wield himself with telekinesis.

No matter what he picked, however, the other two options would appear again, the first because his race meant he’d always have the choice to awaken one or more of Diana’s racial abilities and the other two because they were the core abilities of his race, but this almost made things more difficult, mainly because Vanar knew what choice he should take and didn’t want to wait for the other two.

Sighing to himself, he did the smart thing and chose Tails of the Spirit Guardian. It wasn’t as cool as turning into a sword or increasing the quality of his third most used energy type, but it would be the best choice in the long run and it wouldn’t be too long until he was a C rank again, and then a B rank.

A tingle went up his spine from his head to his posterior, causing him to wag his tail to help get rid of the subsequent itch faster, and Vanar again sighed as he realized it would be years before he could gain the polymorph skill.

Walking over to the water to stand next to Diana, he looked down to see his large ears, large eyes, and cute, small little face

He was going to be stuck as a baby fox ghost for the next few years and getting Diana to fear him enough to allow him to successfully train her was going to be difficult.



Well, this explains how they'll progress Isaiah's stalled bloodline


I'm unsure how Diana's racial skill works, but we'll see


Diana seems to be on her way to being the most insane character in the future...