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Junior Sublime Soul Primal Space Elemental (G-Legendary)

A young space elemental born from the primal essence of an elemental universe’s creation.

Racial Abilities: 4

Limited to space element abilities

Complete dual classes possible

Max stats:

Strength: 144

Agility: 144

Endurance: 216

Toughness: 144

Vitality: 216

Perception: 144

Magic: 216

Spirit: 216

Soul: 864

Aura: 216

Attunement: 648

Luck: 288

Stat Growth Per Level:

Not applicable for G rank

Advancement Criteria:

Raise a space element Law to the Law Pupa level in an area seeped in space element mana. Comes with automatic grade increase.

Cost: 123,256,172,596,690,944 Trial Points; 1 Legendary grade Space Element Processed Spirit Crystal; 1 space element Law Larva or more; Only having space element racial abilities 

Having earned more than enough Trial Points, Aalam chose to reincarnate all his clones as primal elementals of their elements, and, given the quality of his clones’ souls, every race they were offered was a sublime soul variant, so they’d each have two classes just like his main body.

A very, very rare type of monster, a material universe like the Prime Material wasn’t even able to naturally birth elementals, and it was only through Steel Swamp Sorin’s records that Aalam’d even learned of the monster type.

What fantasy stories from Earth usually called elementals were actually variants of the large monster category known as spirits, which included pretty much any type of monster with a body made from energy instead of matter, but elementals, beings made directly from the power of Laws, operated fundamentally differently.

Unlike normal monsters, they had a lot more restrictions, such as being unable to use any other Laws than from the element they were made from and requiring special environments to live in, like the floors of the Twelve Element Pagoda, each filled with the power of only a single element, but, in return, they had the absolute highest affinity for their element of any same rank monster type known to the Prime Material and they gained two absolutely amazing racial abilities.

The first, Essence Conversion, allowed them to convert any energy inside their souls into energy of their own element, be it mana, qi, psyforce, or even nascent energy, while the second, Soul of Primal Element, allowed them to slowly raise the quality of their souls using nascent energy aligned to their element.

The first was amazing, and would allow Aalam’s clones to use any element in their skills in the future, making them far more powerful, but it was the second he was especially after, and he’d been more than willing to pay the enormous price required to get it.

Single Element Spirit Crystals were incredibly rare in the Prime Material—and in all other universes he knew about as well—so it was amazing how Mila had found a source for buying them, even if she’d had to have her grandfather infiltrate a divine merchant force to get the purchase privileges. Processing the crystals was something no other C rank in the Prime Material would have been able to do and had been extremely time consuming, Aalam’s clones each spending over a hundred years on their respective crystals. And making sure his clones would only awaken to racial abilities of a specific element, while great practice for what he’d done to Diana’s soul, had taken him over a thousand years to figure out how to accomplish.

And this wasn’t even mentioning how each elemental race cost twice as many Trial Points as his Genetic Thief bloodline had back during his and Mila’s original tutorial, 96 times the cost of the Chaos Dragon Hatchling race, the tutorial’s most expensive standard race option.

Then, complicating things even further, elementals would have trouble living in the Prime Material, making it risky having his clones reincarnate on planets undergoing apocalypse style integrations where they might not be able to make it to the Twelve Element Pagoda in the Heavenly Soul Universe for years, so Aalam had chosen a bloodline to compensate.

Dimensional Adaptor (Mythic)

You are a citizen of the multiverse, not any single universe


Greatly reduce the strain from universes other than your own

Your body will change to temporarily match the rules of any universe you travel to

Cost: 61,628,086,298,345,472 Trial Points; Control over natural energy

With the Dimensional Adaptor bloodline, his elemental bodies would change to work more like elemental spirit bodies, so he wouldn’t have to worry about his clones dying from not matching the rules of the Prime Material, and, more important, if he managed to correctly absorb the bloodline when he eventually used Genetic Thief on all twelve of his clones, he’d probably be able to create a new race that stably combined the powers of soul lords and elementals at the same time, which would allow him to conquer universes creatures of the prime material normally couldn’t even enter, of which there were many, a rare few even attached to universes made out of matter.

He probably would have gone with a different bloodline if he hadn’t learned more about how the multiverse functioned from Mila’s theft from his uncle’s vault, and he yet again felt so blessed to have a woman like her as his wife.



As she saw what her new race would be and Nana Xara began to explain how she’d been able to qualify for it, Diana’s desire to kill her brother extended further to the desire to kill Mila as well.

Strong Soul Demigod Avenger (G-Legendary)

A demigod killed by their divine parent, raised from death as a powerful spirit to achieve revenge.

Racial Abilities: 4

No limits, but a higher chance for divine, blessing, and curse related abilities

Max stats:

Strength: 288

Agility: 288

Endurance: 288

Toughness: 288

Vitality: 288

Perception: 288

Magic: 288

Spirit: 288

Soul: 288

Aura: 288

Attunement: 288

Luck: 288

Stat Growth Per Level:

Not applicable for G rank

Advancement Criteria:

Maintain at least 144 bloodsworn of your rank or equivalent for two years; Comes with automatic grade increase.

Cost: 123,256,172,596,690,944 Trial Points; Your preserved corpse, killed by a divine level parent; 1 Semi-Deified Faith Gathering Stone infused with the concentrated faith of your followers; 1 rebirth ritual artifact with runes created from the blood of your parents

So, first, as your body was destroyed by Aalam in the process of saving your soul, Mila used her control over faith energy to alter your soul’s karmic signatures to match the body of your unborn child, avoiding the need for them to somehow get Bellessia’s blood and recreate the blood of your father. Then Mila managed to plan the theft of the important resources, Aalam created artifacts to get you thousands of D and C rank bloodsworn, and Isaiah gave some of his blood to help create the ritual artifact, meaning you will be able to gain some of his more potent racial abilities.

The truly hard part, beyond getting you the chance to reincarnate in the first place, was recreating your own blood to take the place of your mother’s and infusing it with enough divine power to have it meet the requirements for the ritual artifact as, again, your body was completely destroyed. So Aalam had to get creative. That boy analyzed the blood of almost a quarter of Earth’s original population to recreate the non-powered blood of your father and then managed to capture over a thousand of your half siblings instead of the one he originally intended, allowing him to recreate the near perfect non-powered blood of your mother—something which will have some nice other purposes in the future. Then he mixed the two to create blood matching your previous body, optimized ever so slightly while still matching the blood of your daughter, and Mila infused it with enough divine power to match the requirements for the ritual.

And here you are now with one of the most awesome races I’ve ever heard of.

Nana Xara sounded very excited and, knowing her brother as well as she did, Diana was sure the benefits of her new race were so ridiculously high they logically justified desecrating her daughter’s corpse, but she just didn’t care.

The fury was too hot.

The sadness too extreme.

And she completely didn’t listen to anything else Nana Xara said, only briefly taking a look at what her new bloodline would be.

Primal Soul Lord (Mythic)

A supreme lord of souls which has traced its roots back to the beginning, high in the hierarchy of the universe, middling in the hierarchy of afterlife rulers.


Seriously increase the normal flow rate of your qi, mana, and psyforce while greatly increasing their burst potential and ability to break down impurities.

Increase Soul stat effectiveness by 100%

Soul +12 per level, Scalable

Increase the base value of all other base stats by 25% of your effective Soul stat

Cost: 30,814,043,149,172,736 Trial Points

The bloodline gave the equivalent of one of the most powerful racial abilities in the universe, Soul Lord Battle Armor, along with the power of another of the racial abilities Nana Xara had previously told her her brother had awakened, Primal Heart. And it would be very easy to raise as both Aalam and Mila already had an advanced Empyrean grade variant of its advanced race. But, again, Diana didn’t much care.

She didn’t even care when Aalam for some reason bought 28 new small mana wells for her, increasing her number of mana wells to 36, an utterly ridiculous number.

She just wanted to kill him.



I expect Diana to attack Aalam and be so outclassed that he completely ignores her attacks while he continues speaking to her as usual as if nothing was happening. It would be the best way to highlight that no matter what her feelings are reality doesn't give a damm about it as well a great way to let her vent her frustations.


I'm curious how Aalam will integrate two key racial abilities at B rank. In theory, he should only get 1 per grade, and he can only increase each grade, by this point, by one per rank. Maybe he combines one with Heavenly Spark Pure Soul?