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Hey Patrons, 

Happy New Year!

We’ve rolled into the Second Generation of the Roaring Twenties and this year has been crazy already. I’m sure many of you saw this, but I want to address it at the top of this blog post:

The Collider of it all.

Ashley and I both worked for Collider in the past. As freelancers. Under several different regimes. We had awesome times working there. We know a lot of cool people who are still working there. We have a continuing and open relationship with them. 

The best way you can support us with the loss of a regular working relationship with Collider is to hang out here and engage with all our awesome stuff … and to be sure to come out and see us in real life (if geography allows)!

Find us LIVE at Hemet Library Comics-On! We already posted about it on the feed and we’re really hoping to see you there! This is our SECOND YEAR at the show and we’ll be tabling beside B2RIANLS who is an amazing artist that drew sketches for the JAWIIN COMIC DRIVE KICKOFF EVENT 2019 and drew the Ashley Witch Hallowe’en Print our SECRET MAIL LEVEL patrons got last October. We’re super excited to be back!


Jetsetters, your time is now! You’ve read the first installment! You’ve fallen in love with the Flying Girl! Now we’re bringing her back! Now … here’s a special offer JUST FOR PATRONS!

If you donate to the JUPITER JET VOL 2 KICKSTARTER & EMAIL YOUR CONFIRMATION (jupiterjetcomic@gmail.com), we will say your name on a very special episode of GEEK HISTORY LESSON!

Super Friends are such a huge part of JUPITER JET and her journey, so we want to celebrate you and give you as much credit in helping her continue to soar! If you are an especial Jetsetter then I will encourage you to WATCH THIS SPACE! We are going to be giving you more chances to get exclusives that will not be available to standard Kickstarter backers. This upcoming Kickstarter is going to be BIGGER & BETTER THAN EVER!

By the by, if you have any podcasts or shows you’d like to see us on chatting about the future of JUPITER JET feel free to drop suggestions in the comments or send a DM!

Blackest Night Club is well underway! We’re about to begin recording and we’re already reading! New art and the Official Reading Order are coming up in the feed, so you are welcome to get a head start on all the zombie nonsense! This year we are also going to be giving patrons who support for all 10 months …


#BlackNightClub wristbands!

Photos coming soon!

We found some really cool options and we think they are SO COOL! 

Science! The Elements of Dark Energy is out in the world and available at all fine retailers of books! You can get signed & personalized copies from my website. If you read SCIENCE! and liked it - or if you read SCIENCE! and did not like it - please:

You might notice me mentioning the reviews A LOT more in the past year and that is because it has so much effect on the health of the book online, its shelf life, and our ability to tell more stories in the same world in the future!

You want that - RIGHT!?!

… we want that ...

We announced the next batch of Geek History Lesson episodes! Locke & Key vol 1 is our next Book Club and that’s going to be happening in February, but the post is already up about as well as a post announcing our NEXT 3 TOPICS! We teased in the aforementioned post that GEEK HISTORY LESSON EPISODE 300 is coming up and we have BIG PLANS FOR IT! Probably going to be keeping that one close to the chest, but let’s just say it is a HIGHLY REQUESTED TOPIC! I’m dying for you all to hear it!

Without you, I wouldn’t be able to accomplish half of what I have. So: thank-you!

Thank you

Jason Inman


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