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Hey Super Friends,

Here's a quick pick at the second piece of official #BlackestNightClub art featuring Ashley and I by the incredible Bryan E. Ward! Bryan knocked it out of the park with #CrisisClub, so we absolutely had to have him back!

I will have you know we chose to be featured as a Blue Lantern and Red Lantern respectively! Which Lantern Corps would you belong to?

This art will be featured on the Exclusive Postcard and Bookmark that can only be found here!

More announcements in the coming days!

Be sure to donate at the #BlackestNightClub level or higher by March 1st to get EXCLUSIVE ACCESS to the VIDEOS, MAILBAG EPISODES & PHYSICAL SWAG that comes along with #BlackestNightClub membership!



Cody Enos

I was cutting a slice of pizza into smaller bits yesterday and it accidentally came out looking like the black lantern symbol. I will now and forever always think of the black lanterns as the pizza lanterns for now on.


It depends on the situation. In my car ill defiantly be a red lantern. On a date with my wife a violet. Playing with my kiddos Indigo. In the nice part of town Orange. and etc. So I'll say it depends on when the ring is looking and what I am doing. But i would like to say Green lantern. Strong believer in if there is a will there is a way.