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Hey Patrons, 

Happy San Diego Comic-Con Month! 

… more on that later in the update!

To begin I want to thank everyone who has supported Super Soldiers this month! I had an amazing launch party and signing at Earth 2 Comics which was such an amazing kick off to the book! I do want to ask you one more favor to help ensure SUPER SOLDIERS has longevity:

GETTING TO 50 REVIEWS HELPS SUPER SOLDIERS IN THE ALGORITHM! Once it hits that number the book gets featured and recommended more frequently in the algorithm. And please review the book honestly! It’s the number of reviews, not an average star number that matters.

(More pics from the signing coming in a gallery post later - including more with Samm Levine!)

For the Patrons that pre-ordered Super Soldiers, thank you! Your bookmarks and signed bookplates will be hitting the mail in the next few weeks. 

San Diego Comic-Con is upon us, the third weekend in July, just as it does every year. If you want to get your aforementioned copy of SUPER SOLDIERS signed, or Jupiter Jet, or pick up a Geek History Lesson Enamel Pin, you can snag all of that (and a selfie!), with Ashley and I on SATURDAY, JULY 20TH:

  • GEEKSCAPE (Booth 3919) - 11:30am - 12:30pm
  • ANDY POON (Booth CC-02) - 3pm - 5pm 

These are the only places you’ll be able to spot us at SDCC 2019, so mark your calendars now!

The SIXTH EPISODE of Crisis Club dropped in your feeds TOMORROW MORNING! This marks the HALFWAY point in both the comic book series and our video series. It also means we’re coming up to our SECOND CRISIS CLUB Livestream. This will be happening on SATURDAY, JULY 13TH! Keep your eyes peeled for more details about links and times and just how YOU can be a part of CRISIS CLUB! Now is the right time to think up and write down your questions/comments/concerns/jokes so they will be in tip-top shape for the LIVESTREAM! EPISODE SEVEN is in the very capable hands of Adam The Editor and we’re planning to shoot Episodes Eight & Nine this upcoming weekend!

Later this week we will be announcing the next batch of Geek History Lesson topics. We’re working on adding a very special guest to our next Book Club episode who Ashley and I are both big fans of and we know really knows their comic book history! As you can probably tell, recent episodes are a flurry of SPIDER-MAN-themed content and the upcoming Book Club reflects that as well.

The next Book Club episode is coming up on SPIDER-MAN: BLUE:

  • If you still need to pick up a copy of the book get it here! 
  • If you haven’t left a comment that could be read on the episode, leave it on the Original Post.  

Science! is finishing up production! If you read our latest update then you know our publisher (Bedside Press), is working on the final touches before SCIENCE! will be rocketing off to the printer then to all of you amazing readers in your homes! Here in JAWIIN HQ we have intern Brego producing some of our amazing rewards (prints, stickers, Prometheus Institute Students IDs, oh my!), which will be going out with our Sophomore Graphic Novel!

More Mind University Producer videos are being shot this week and will be going up on the Youtube Channel with regularity! Startlingly, we are running low on topic suggestions and will have to double back on suggestions from past contributors. Just a reminder: if you donate at the MIND UNIVERSITY PRODUCER LEVEL OR HIGHER check your Patreon Inbox for a message from us or feel free to send us a suggestion!

Outside of Patreon, in my day-to-day life, my job is about to undergo a pretty big change. I can’t announce what it is yet, but I promise it is geeky in nature and absolutely perfect for me. Hopefully, it will be announced and I’ll be able to talk about it in or around SDCC - which means by the end of the month! Your support here allows me to continue pursuing all of the amazing Jawiin initiatives that I love so much, instead of just having to focus on the day-to-day. Thank you for giving to me and allowing me to give back with an increasing number of projects!

Patrons with access to the Secret Facebook Group even know about another podcast I’m thinking of starting … from the car!

Thank you

Jason Inman



So much great stuff going on. I haven't suggested a video topic yet but I'll get my thinking cap on to come up with something - the others have all been so good!


Jawiin HQ has full confidence in the awesomeness of your suggestion, Jordanne!