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We all know Midnighter is a Batman analogue - but is that even a good way to design a character? We get into it and then try to list every Superman and Batman analogue we can think of off the top of our heads - feel free to chip in with your faves down in the comments!



Cody Enos

I think analogues are fun and mostly work, but only when the characters have the potential to grow into themselves (like Midnighter and Apollo). A good example would be Mark Millar’s Authority run. The antagonists he puts in are all Analogues, but that’s all they are, so it’s really boring and eye rolling.


I would love to hear more about Ashley’s opinions regarding The Boys. I’ve never read it but have only heard good things from my friends who have. Is it super racist and misogynistic? Or just not well written and all over the place?


(Ashley here!): I actually haven't read The Boys. I read the back of it and thumbed through and felt pretty confident it was not going to be to my taste.