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Hey :D

This tutorial is about how I usually approach complicated animations that require planning. I'm really not sure if this is the "official" way of animating since I never had formal training, but this is how I usually work:

Still Frame > Rough Sketches > Keyframes > In-Betweens (and general fixes)

I think the hardest part is the keyframes, usually means coming up with cool poses in low resolutions. But the in-betweens is by far the most exhaustive part, this is where I do all adjustments and secondary animations and tedious copying and pasting.

As always thanks for the support and happy holidays! 




Where is tutorial ?


This is absolutely amazing. Trying to copy this for days now. Now I finally understand what they mean by saying: "The placement of every Pixel has a meaning!". The rotation of the hip, the weightshift it's all in there. How on earth did you learn this all by yourself? Unbelievable!