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They are using the force when they use a light saber. So there is extra concentration and fast reactions to block blaster bolts

Greg Norman

I think Joe's Force comment is definitely one of the inherent flaws of the show. You want Jedi characters but can't have them using their main abilities all the time or there'd be no challenge. I'd say in the universe of the story, the reasoning is probably partly the concentration needed and partly that the Jedi limit how they use the Force to do harm - even in combat. It does seem like they could just knock people down more often, but using it to do more harm (yeeting people off platforms) is that dark side temptation. Once you start it's hard to stop. As Anakin learns the hard way later.


There's also the fact that one can't know what the enemy is gonna do until they do it. Even Jedi don't know they're about to be surrounded and attacked by 5 whips at once. They can underestimate just as easily as all of us, and hindsight is 2020.