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the queen drunk on anakin. she saw how many people it took to take him down after he whispered in her ear and fell in love like padema did in the Movie II. now side note the queen put anakin in her bed like she just bought a life size body pillow. she acting like she in a whole relationship with him, like look a her little angry stomp after the flying lizard ride when he said no. its like after getting married he learned how to talk to women better then in Movie II


First of all, I want to know how this episode got past the censors. We got Obi-Wan being whipped liked Kunta Kinta, someone unaliving themselves, more people being dropped into a never ending hole, whippings and electrocutions. All of this in a "kid's show". Second, with the amount of times Anakin got electrocuted I'm surprised he was even able to get Padme pregnant. Third, the plan was trash. Everybody dressed the part, but with the exception of Anakin, nobody acted the way they were supposed. They should have practiced their roles before they went to Zaigaria. Fourth, from my understanding, Anakin is actually not that great of a force user. He knows the basic, and he can choke a bitch, but he's average at best. More of his training went into him using a lightsaber than the force. Also, from my understanding Obi-Wan wasn't that great of a force user too when he was younger - younger than he is on the show, but he clearly got better. And, truthfully Ahsoka is not that great of a force user either.

Lorenzo Baxter

That just couldn't be further from the truth. Not using the Force in creative ways on the show doesn't mean they aren't good Force Users 😅 Force Choke is an "ability" kinda, but with Anakin, he just taps into his darker feelings almost on instinct when he gets that angry. Also, using lightsabers the way Jedi do require the use of the Force. Like, many Saber forms utilize Force fuelled Agility, like Form IV, what Yoda uses just flipping around everywhere, like a blur. Lightsabers in general are used to their fullest extent by Force Users. The Force is used passively a lot of the time you're watching in Star Wars. It's not just unlocking a Skill Tree like in a video game, and that shows how good a Force User you are. The Mortis Arc shows Anakin has untapped levels of raw Force Power. He's the damn Chosen One, don't forget 🤣