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I couldn't wait any longer to watch this along with the boys so I watched the entire series on my own and it was WAY better than I thought. The Boys and the team behind it are amazing so I was expecting something fun but with this being a much younger college setting I thought maybe the writing would be a little too "millennial" or at least melodramatic like a lot of young adult stuff nowadays. But this show's plot blew me away. And btw I'll say this, how they handled incorporating "modern day issues" into the show without it feeling forced or preachy or superficial was extraordinary. Really nuanced and original take on how to talk about issues without it being grating. Also this cast of young actors are phenomenal. Apart from one actor who I think was definitely overshadowed by the rest, this cast is so talented I'd expect to see them all in many other projects over the years.


"I couldn't wait any longer to watch this along with the boys so I watched the entire series on my own"...same.