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Darth Nihilus

Lmao all I need to do is look at the thumbnail to know that this'll be a great reaction.

Jyn Jilly

I can't explain it but seeing Krell so nice with lightsabers made me even more mad lol Like you can do all this but you sat on your ass the whole fight?

Lorenzo Baxter

Krell isn't even a Seperatist, if anything, he's just a wannabe Sith. He doesn't care about the politics. He has foreseen that the war will end and the Republic and the Jedi will fall, which we obviously know it does. He's not involved with Palpatine, and Krell couldn't possibly know the scope of Palpatines plan. He wants to serve Dooku because that's who he sees is the one in charge. There's also more sad and kinda scary foreshadowing about the end of the war with the Clones. They also couldn't know what's going to happen, but at the same time, they know there isn't much use for them when the war ends. It's sad they never knew that literally everyone they serve would be eradicated. The poor Clones are used in so many ways and they aren't even aware of how badly.