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First of all, you'll falling out for about 5 minutes when Ahsoka popped up, took me out. And Joe saying "Get the belt." 🤣 We been knew Ahsoka was a little bad ass. What she did with Plo-kun, it was the equivalent of when your parents tell you, you can't have something so call up the favorite Auntie/Uncle and sweet talk them into getting it for you. I will say the conversation she had with Plo-kun she needs to have with Anakin, but the reason Anakin is acting the way he is acting is because of what happened on Mortis. He's not going to forget that she died. Obi-Wan smirking in the background, overhearing Anakin and Ahsoka talking...he's enjoying this. Every time Ahsoka is rebellious with Anakin Obi-Wan is happy. You KNOW that Anakin gave him hell as a teenager. He's probably thinking "Payback 😈" Anakin probably thought he was going to escape those hellish teenage years. Him and Ahsoka were thick as thieves (still are), but I don't think she's ever not followed one of his orders since she first became his Padawan. I think this is the second time she's twisted one of his "lessons" for her own gain. I would like to say, even though it's being used interchangeably, there is a difference between being protective and over protective. I would argue prior to the Raxus episode, Anakin was just being protective. Then when Padme and Ahsoka ran off to Raxus and didn't tell him or just straight up lied about what they were doing (we really don't know the details) that probably started tipping him over to the overprotective side, and then the Mortis completely pushed him over. To me, Anakin is doing a tightrope walk between overprotectiveness and possessiveness. With that said, I also do believe that Ahsoka doesn't like to be separated from Anakin. The attachment goes both ways.


Even though I don't think the show runners, even this late into development of the series, were truly sticking to a strict chronological order however if we assume this happens shortly after the Mortis arc than perhaps that's why Anakin is being a bit overprotective. He was raddled by what happened and although he doesn't remember his glimpse into the future he definitely remembers how perilous the situation was for them all, especially his young apprentice. I'd like to think he's still coming to terms with that traumatic event and that's why he wants her to sit this one out because Mortis is so fresh in his mind. Either way this was a good storyline to follow up with after Mortis. Not to mention our little surprise "familiar face" that Drew was wondering about. :D That will be fun when he realizes what's going on here and that this is the start of something much bigger than merely a prison break.


I'm actually basing the timeline off of the the Star Wars Timeline book that recently came out. It's canonical and chronological. It doesn't say how long after Mortis, the Citadel arc happened, but it definitely did happen after it. #notanad

Darrell Johnson

Tarkin should sound familiar because he's the one in charge of the original Death Star and he's the one who took it from Krennic in Rogue One. I think the voice actor here also did the voice for the computer-generated version of Tarkin in Rogue One.