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Jyn Jilly

Awesome that Joe noticed Ahsoka's appearance change Im not sure you guys remember ROTS but Anakin's design also changed this episode to his ROTS jedi outfit


yep 1 year has passed so far and also ashoka has 2 lightsabers now you can see on her hip


I love the Ahsoka/Padme episodes. It's like a sister and her sister-in-law bonding together. Out little niece is growing up. 🥲 Clearly the boys are hollering (and getting punched in the throat). Even though there's a war going on, hormones are going to hormone. It's nice to see Ahsoka be a regular teenager for a couple of minutes. This is the first time I've seen Ahsoka travel with luggage. I'm assuming it's Padme's because those headpieces and dresses look like they take up a lot of space. I said it before and I'll say it again, Anakin married a politician but seems to not really care what it is that Padme those. It makes me wonder what they talk up about when they see each...okay, they probably not doing that much talking when they are together, but there's got to me more to the marriage than we're both good looking. I love that we're starting to see the next level of Ahsoka/Anakin's relationship. She's applying his teachings, but kind of twisting them in a way to excuse her own wrongdoing, which I wouldn't be surprised to find out Anakin used to probably do with Obi-Wan. Anakin is not escaping those terrible teenage years. When Anakin said that "We have eyes and ears everywhere." I think he really meant him. There is no way Padme and Ahsoka were going to go anywhere together and him not know about it. I feel like this is where Anakin goes from being protective to over protective with Ahsoka (yes there is a difference even though people like to use those terms interchangeably).


Since the chronological order of watching the Clone Wars is all over the place it's hard to realise that this is the third season and they did update Ahsoka's character model accordingly to time and her age.