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Pretty cool. What software are you using for this?

Patrick W. Gilmore

After seeing a few of these, it is clear you are not a first-draft kinda guy. Would love to see a side-by-side with a Brady draft, but I suspect he doesn't even do drafts. Probably just shoots from the hip!


"no matter how much of a leet hacker your mom is" I see what you did there :D

David Perek

I would like to see an english translation of the case against the most reasonable call for secure backdoors, since I have been frustrated that the media doesn't seem to touch on this and just talk about "Math", which I think to security exports advocating backdoors makes them deflect criticism as not realistic. Simplified, full disk cypto works by encrypting the asymmetric key used to encrypt the storage device with the password, and decrypting that key using the user password mangled with other stuff. However, as some enterprise encryption solutions employ, an approach to allow for a 'safe' backdoor is to encrypt the same key used to encrypt the drive with another token owned by someone else, like the employer. Governments have proposed having them get similar secret. This process is fundamentally no less secure than your own password, although you suddenly lose access control of it. To make matters a bit less clearly evil, there are methods to generate these secrets using device identifiers in a way where they would be vary hard to access[they may have to be computed based on stored information rather than stored, think bitcoin]. The arguments against these are pretty well established in security circles, but I don't see any laymen's translations. The first is not to trust keys generated through an unverified process which could be weak, but they go on.


"This process is fundamentally no less secure than your own password" except you can't change this password if it leaks. It's the same problem with TSA master key, once it or the process leaks everyone has to get a new lock, and that's not feasible, and any automated distribution of new locks is also leakable.