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Should all Locks Have Keys? Phones, Castles, Encryption, and You.



Glad you didn't toss the script in the bin after all!


I'm sure there were some revisions, and the fact that the FBI & DOJ are still actively trying to access other phones makes the topic still relevant. Less hair on fire, top of every news site, but still current. Well done again Grey. I now have something to show people that remain on the wrong side of this issue.


Thank you for doing this Grey. It's a little different than your typical videos in that there's less explanation and more opinion.


I wish there'd been a way for you to combine the video and the footnote; both are crucial viewing!


This is a very important thing and example you bring up here. Better be careful how we build up these laws today as they can have a catastrophic impact in the future. Thanks for bringing this to mind!


Never thought of it this way before. If there is no such thing as distance on the internet... then having the back-key to one device is having the back-key to every device with the same security... thanks Grey! And please don't die too soon, at least that's what I gathered you'd be from the YouTube comments about the apocalypse and shit^^

Chatoyer Huggins

He mentioned in a Podcast that he has two ways of addressing people in videos, as a third party (more for instruction) and as him talking to the internet, and that he says "Hello Internet!" for the ones where he's talking at the audience rather than the other style. He mentioned he tries to avoid using "I" when in the former, but uses it more freely when addressing us directly, as in this video.