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Director's commentary: https://www.patreon.com/posts/36588977


Lockdown Productivity: Spaceship You

Grey's Director Commentary for "Spaceship You": https://www.patreon.com/posts/36588977 Discuss on the reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/CGPGrey/comments/gb6mac/lockdown_productivity_spaceship_you/ ## Patrons Steven Snow, Bob Kunz, John Buchan, Nevin Spoljaric, Donal Botkin, BN-12, Chris Chapin, Richard Jenkins, Phil Gardner, Martin, سليمان العقل, Steven Grimm, Colin Millions, Saki Comandao, Jason Lewandowski, Andrea Di Biagio, David F Watson, Ben Schwab, Elliot Lepley, rictic, Bobby, Marco Arment, Shallon Brown, Shantanu Raj, emptymachine, George Lin, Henry Ng, Jeffrey Podis, Thunda Plum, Awoo, David Tyler, Derek Bonner, Derek Jackson, Fuesu, iulus, Jordan Earls, Joshua Jamison, Mikko, Nick Fish, Nick Gibson, Orbit_Junkie, Ron Bowes, Tómas Árni Jónasson, Tyler Bryant, Zach Whittle, Oliver Steele, Kermit Norlund, Kevin Costello, Ben Delo, Arctic May, Bear, chrysilis, David Palomares, Emil, Erik Parasiuk, Esteban Santana Santana, Freddi Hørlyck, Frederick The Great, John Rogers, ken mcfarlane, Leon, Maarten van der Blij, Peter Lomax, Rhys Parry, ShiroiYami, Tijmen van Dien, Tristan Watts-Willis, Veronica Peshterianu, Dag Viggo Lokøen, John Lee, Maxime Zielony, Bryan McLemore, Elizabeth Keathley, Alex Simonides, Felix Weis, Melvin Sowah, Giulio Bontadini, Paul Alom, Ryan Tripicchio, Scot Melville Music by: Mattia Vlad Morleo Track Name: Passando https://www.mattiavladmorleo.com/ https://open.spotify.com/artist/2VBeBMU2ZBdmqnsBZ45CXE Soundscape by: http://www.davidreesmusic.com



Can't wait for the director's commentary!


Amazingly done ! I would need some of those tips ... but i know i won't :P To lazy

Warren Shull

Is there a way to make ourselves automatically start hearing the director's commentary when it begins (as if we had opened a livestream that hadn't yet begun)?


Absolutely wonderful! Thank you Grey :D

Ehsan Kia

The one suggestion I have, maybe the commentary should be the next day, and you should generate the livestream link with an "expected time" so people can prepare? Last time I tuned in and hadn't even seen the main video you were discecting yet.


You're my hero. That was perfection. Thank you.


Thanks, that really hit home and was super useful!


What's space youtube called? It sounds like "Net me tube plus"? (at ~5:55)


This was great! Thanks so much for making it.


Really great video. Literally last night I was trying to find the best time tracking app for myself (toggl hasn't worked out for me) and decided to write my own. This video gave me some GREAT ideas for it. `mkdir mission_clock; git init` :)


I loved the analogy of this video and now that you have drawn attention to it I have been particularly unproductive and apathetic with regards to my studies the past weeks. I have been lacking what you suggest in the video as one area (exercise) is missing and two areas overlap (creation and relaxation). I have now defined new areas (found an old exercise bike) and set alarms for waking up and when to go to bed. It will be interesting to see how it works out over the next days and weeks. But for now, that analogy got through to me and I greatly appreciate it. Sorry for breaking the rule and supporting as a student but it is at the lowest tier.

Maarten Daalder

Wait, would the pencil (just before 2:00) drop when the capsule is spun up? I wouldn't think the atmosphere in the capsule also get spun up as fast as the capsule itself.


Also I need bizarro dad Grey to make a version of this where there are five people in the spaceship.


This is great - I only have one desk with a proper screen, so when I work I use this desk, but also when I play computer games. However, I have to change my seat from a sturdy dinner table chair to a soft leisure chair when I change the purpose of the desk. I was considering buying a chair which would fit both my needs, but after seeing this video I realise that the changing of chairs (and computers) is perhaps the most important feature of my set-up as that ritual changes physical space from a creation space to a leisure space.


My problem is much of my recreation comes from my personal computer and my work needs to use the same setup to work efficiently. I’ve been exercising the last few days and I must say I feel a bit better. I’m embarrassed to say I’ve really been having problems with motivation. I find I end up watching tv instead of working when I should. And my house has started to fall apart. I let the dishes pile up and I haven’t been folding the laundry. I’ve got to get my act together.


As someone who is struggling with depression and has been for over a year now, I can just say that especially the sleep and Creation Rules of this are so vital to mental health. Before I did the strict sleep hygiene routines, I often lay awake for two hours or more, now I usually fall asleep within 5 minutes. Also ideally you should put no clocks directly visible from your bed. Put the alarm a bit away from you so you have to get up to turn it off. Looking at the clock and seeing how much time has again passed with you still awake, just makes you more anxious and sleep less likely. Also if you feel you need professional help, please do get it. It can be hard and it can take some time to find someone, but it is worth it.


This video was like the video you get before playing lazerquest or something similar. Hit the mark so exactly right you'd think grey has been watching me

Patrick W. Gilmore

I'm with you on most of that. But why not eating at the creation station? I like snacking while working.


As a long time viewer who's been watching your videos since high school and is now a university graduate and has a full time job (and the means to support my favourite creators 💸), I finally pledged to support you on Patreon after watching this video. The channel got me in with the nerdy info-dense content but I stayed for videos like this which are more than informational - they are meaningful. I actually have got up and started implementing a system of use-segregation in my flat as soon as I finished the video. Really looking forward to hearing what you have to say about it. Thank you Grey.

Kyle McGuffin

Thank you Grey for the additional nudge to try to re-establish my exercise routine. I used to go to the gym 2-3 times a week and I've really let the habit slip since everything's been closed where I live. Now to figure out where to make space for my exercise area at home.


Love this video, can't double down enough on the sleep space benefits here <3


Same here. Separating work and play is far harder when your work is done via computer. One useful trick I have found is changing the physical space for work vs play. For work, blinds are closed, office supplies are out, lighting is set a specific way. For play, blinds are open, office stuff is put away, toys are out, etc. For work my background is a solid color. For home, it's images and misc pictures (RDP helps with this, a lot). It's not perfect, but it helps the mind click into "this is now work" when it's time to do that. Ideally, I'd have a separate space in a separate room. I lack the equipment to pull that off at the moment. But if that's an option, it may be easier. Even if that's just one system for RDP and one for games at "home" again. Physical space plays a large role in mental space.


Is the commentary live? I can't see it and am a $5 patron...


Great video!


Well needed, thank you


“The Couch helps you Couch”... 😂😂😂


Nice work Grey


Mission accepted!


Yeah I was thinking that too. But I think his point was more about taking a meal break. Those of us who often eat lunch at our desks while working probably know that the lack of a meal break impacts our mental focus. So the reminder to take an actual meal break is spot on. I've actually been making myself do this more now while working from home and it makes a big difference.


I picked up a clamping light from amazon that has yellow and white light settings, and I use one as mood lighting for work hours and the other for leisure hours. It isnt huge but it does help


DAMN dude. You knocked it out of the park with this one. I am genuinely moved and incredibly motivated :-) Thank you


Bravo! Bravissimo!!!

Poker Chen

So what's up with the 藍日 takeaway boxes? Or is that going to be in the commentary?


I can see why you'd take it that way. However, the video does cover working from home (which many do). I'd call taking care of children is a form of "work" too, and the same goes for job hunting. Honing your skills (also mentioned) is a very valid way for making that easier in the long run. It's hard times for sure, and I think you'd find it's not all roses and rainbows if you ask the people in the comments here. The hardships you're going through are very real and valid. However, those don't invalidate other people's issues. Depending on how you look at it, you might find you can still apply some advice from this video to your own life. Maybe it's not as useful to you as to others, but even if it helps you a little bit you've still gained something from it. I'm sure the intent of the video is not to belittle yours or anyone else's struggles, even if it felt that way. I hope you find what you need, and good luck! You've got this!

Bonnie Fiddis

It’s hard to keep a lot of this up when I’m a single parent who is also working from home but I’m trying at least to look after my physical and mental health but sleep has been slipping with as little as 3 hours some days. I also work shifts including nights so I can’t keep the same wake up time every day just most of the days. I have lost a bit of weight and done some odd jobs about the house though.


So good. Everyone should watch this!


What do you do when you only have one good table+chair that both has gaming PC (entertainment station) and where you sit with laptop and work (creation station)? My apartment is just not big enough to set up second comfy work table.

Aaron J. Shay

This has helped me figure out what to do with my cramped living situation. Thank you.


I have a similar situation, and what I do is change the scenery. I set for work: set my laptop in The Work Spot on a riser, set out a rubber duck, fix my lighting (for video calls), and set out my coffee. When work's done, I put away the riser, put the duck away, close the curtains, and take care of the day's dishes (mostly....). So it's the same *place*, but I still have transitions.


This was a really helpful video. Can we have a Wallpaper from it?


Love it! Hoping some wallpapers from it are coming at some point.

Paul F

thank you for inspiring me to clean up my mess.