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I'm working on a v2 but I won't delay this one any longer. Both include combined, front only, and back only (tail base). Be aware that all my boots take up the same texture area (except for skid boots). Mix/matching will work for some, but not all. 

In this post:

  • Jumping Boots v1 
  • Jumping Boots v1 with sheepskin*

*This is extremely high poly. Like more than normal for me. I don't have issue with it but my PC is fairly decent. So, take that into consideration--remember you don't have to have every piece of CC and try merging files. 

Usual stuff: meshes are relatively high poly, will deform with some morphs, follow TOU, feel free to add swatches/make recolors as long as result is kept free (no early access) and credit is given. Parts of the mesh are original to me and some are repurposed from SSO/RS. 

Breast collar is coming. It needs thumbnails. 




These are lovely! Thank you for spoiling us 🥰

Ashton Hens

these are so well made man. the sheepskin meshing is nutso