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Just wanted to quickly say sorry about the delay for new content. I thought I had the jumping boots finished but I had messed up the textures so I have to redo those.

I also adopted two older kittens recently and they've been a handful. They're starting to get into a routine, though. And since I mentioned them, I'll add pictures to pay the cat tax (the black cat we've had for a year; he's just pretty).



Winter Snow

Congrats on the new kitties, they're all adorable!

Larke Lockhart

I don't have any cats at the moment. I lost my last CFA registered Manx, Rune, in Oct 22. He was 16 years old and was born into my hand. I was going to breed and show but I became disabled and chronically ill and had to give that up. Anyhow, all of my cats love that exact same corrugated curvy carboard. They loved them to death and had to be replaced often. Tysm for sharing your fur babies. I'm not ready just yet, but I'm sure I'll have more kitties in my life as I've had them all my life. Problem is, you can't have just one. lol

SchrodCat CC

I'm so sorry for your loss. I have one other who isn't shown here, a senior cat of 15 years. I lost his "brother" (not litter mates but got both as kittens) around the same time as you lost yours. He developed cancer of the blood vessels. It was extremely difficult and all I could do was make him as comfortable as possible. No cat will ever replace him but I can't help to see similarities in personality with the little cream point. I still tear up thinking about him and that's okay. I know I gave him the best life. Thank you for sharing as well ❤️