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I didn't do a 1000 follower thank you post but I wanted to acknowledge and thank everyone for the support! I'll get the monthly what's next out of the way so you don't have to read all the post if you don't want.

Monthly focus:

  • 3D pads (for real this time--finishing up thumbnails and preview images; should be out this weekend)

  • Western breast collar (basic for now; on all the SSO edits I did)

  • Misc hair & bridles (I promised some Western braids but I have to admit as soon as I got back into hair I remembered how tedious the textures are and my motivation died...so I might do bridles instead because they are more fun to me)

I want to emphasize that all of the below is not a call out of anyone. Generally speaking, my time on this platform has been much more enjoyable than the experience I had in Sims 3. While the Sims is fairly popular, those who want realistic horse gameplay is very small in comparison. I truly enjoy that my content helps others roleplay in ways they desire.

Reflections on Community and Content Creation

I wanted to reflect on my time with only a tiptoe in a Sims community again. As I've stated before, I largely stay out of them because I'm an asocial, neurodivergent person who will get overwhelmed with too much social stimuli. I have no interest in the success or popularity of one community over the other and as such my content will never be exclusive to a particular community.

The Sims has a rich history of allowing a space for people who feel underrepresented and isolated to role-play and engage with others like them. I'm an older person who grew up without social media as it is now. I remember as a kid on slow internet trying to find Sims 2 CC only to be blocked by sites needing accounts and special access. The Sims space I started in was also very anti-paywall--EA does that to us enough. Patreon and sites like it have truly revolutionized how artists share their work and I'm grateful for the platform even if I don't use it to monetize content.

I know I create a lot of CC. I won't always have the same speed. I won't always create content, either. One day I'll stop. It's daunting to be an artist in a world where everything has been created before or is easy to find an artist who has much more experience. That shouldn't stop you from creating your own art. I'm not immune to it. Part of the reason why I stick to Patreon is that I don't want to be bombarded with posts from other creators. If I see something having been done, there's a chance I'll feel no point in making it myself. But it shouldn't be like that and I have to remind myself of that, too.

 If you drew a horse and I drew a horse, they would look different. Only if you traced over my drawing would they be the same. If you want to make Sims content, don't be discouraged by something having been done before. You haven't done it and that should be enough. Just don't use other people's work and pass it as yours. That is advice for whatever space you are in. I still credit SSO and RS for the assets I modify and without Minerva Magicka, I'd only have made a fraction of what I have. It doesn't diminish your own accomplishments to credit and thank those who have helped.

I think it's too easy to get caught up in the popularity of yourself as an artist or the community space you are in. We're all here to have fun and relax with a hobby we enjoy. It's okay to take breaks. It's okay to feel discouraged. It's okay to move on to something else if you're unhappy. We are an art community--whether your art is aesthetically posing a horse, recreating coats, making up RP stories, or creating game content. It is one that is often made up of marginalized individuals looking for a place to share that art which makes me grateful for it and the legacy Sims games have with it. So remember to be kind to yourself and kind to others.

And, of course, happy Simming :)






This is so beautifully worded and so true and I hope whoever needs to see/read this, does. <3