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As a treasure hunter, it's only fitting that Sophia would have many items to collect. Here are a few of them that I plan to hide throughout the world.

Witch Talisman - These are collected as part of the plot, and used to get to the end of the game. Exploring for these diligently will be a big part of the gameplay, and often a puzzle will need to be solved to obtain them. Do you remember Jiggies from Banjo-Kazooie? These will function a lot like that.

Potent Brew - These are also hidden throughout the game world, and Sophia can drink them to permanently increase a stat.

Skill Book - These are hidden throughout the game world, and Sophia can read them to permanently increase a skill.

Heart Pie - Do you remember Heart Containers from Legend of Zelda? These will basically function like that, and increase Sophia's maximum health permanently when she eats them.




Maybe I'm just overly curious, but screw it I'll ask anyway since I'm really liking the concepts XD; With the talismans, I'm curious; are some gonna need items or clues from other places like Metroid or Castlevenia games, or can the puzzles always be solved the first go? With the books, are those from the native residents or are they stuff previous characters or explorers left behind. As for the power-ups, is a time-lapse/digestion gonna factor in with a delay between getting one and feeling it's effects, or is it just instant the moment Sophia eats them 'cause they're (assumedly) magic or made from magic ingredients?


For the talismans, I envision there will be a fair bit of backtracking, but not too much. I would like to add some shortcuts to open throughout the world similar to what you would find in games like Dark Souls or the Castlevania RPGs. For the books, they are, in fact, left behind by humans who had entered the setting of the game. I have concepts of an old library left behind by human alchemists and university scholars who were studying the old elven burial mounds where the game takes place, and I will probably imply the books are from them. As for the potent brews and heart-shaped pie, digestion won't factor in. They work right away as power-ups generally work in most games. All of this is from my current design document and some of it may be subject to change in the future, as a disclaimer. I really appreciate your questions!