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Jen is wanting to show me some movies that I've never seen before and wanted your feedback! 



Unbreakable is very good. All good choices though


David Fincher is a very solid American director, I’m sure you’ve seen Fight Club, Seven is another of his classics. 👌🏻


Oh dang My Boyfriend Holden Hardman Watches series! MBHHW! Let's go!


All of the above lol


I have a hard time voting here. All of them are great!


Unbreakable is awesome, plus it’s followed by Split and then Glass which are also good films.

brad fedick

Unbreakable is a 3 movie trilogy. unbreakable (1), split (2), Glass (3). Fixed order

Nick Jobe

Seven for sure. That would be great to look at religiously, too.


American history x is tremendous and the better movie technically but the Ace Ventura movies are true classics and i think you'll love them. This is a hard list though cause i think you'll enjoy them all

Matthew A Scofield

I think Se7en and AHX would generate the best conversations.

Andrew Nickerson

Hard to choose, but I think Seven is probably my favorite.

Tommy Goodale

Unbreakable would be great cause then you can watch the followup movies to it!


If you do unbreakable you have to do more recent Shamalayan stuff (if you haven't seen them)


About AHX... Great and must-see movie (even more so nowadays, sadly) but not a cheerful one. On that note if movies like AHX interest you, I encourage you to watch a french movie "La Haine" both for its theme and its cinematography which is amazing (one of Joe Russo's favorite movies)

Daniel Francisco

You’ll love Unbreakable. I guarantee it. Then watch Split and Glass to complete the trilogy.

Johan Faas

I'm so sad the best film that would generate the most interesting discussion is dead last, c'mon people. American History X is fucking amazing. The current votes are exactly the opposite of how I would've ranked them lol. Even if it stays in last place, please consider AHX anyway, Holden.


nothing beats a good Ace Ventura movie. movies that could never be made in todays social climate.


The mature part of me is saying Seven but my childish part is saying Ace Ventura so I voted for Ace.


Seven is just a big bowl of SUSPENSE. Good suspense tho and it’s a crazy ending to the film that just leaves you shook!

Bull Watterson

If Jen like to Saw movies I think seven would be right up her alley


Voted for Ace... but waiting for you to add Gladiator and/or Knights Tale!...

Jake Leffler

These are all good, just accept this poll as an order and let's get watching!

Andy Killion

It was close between ace ventura and unbreakable for me

Philip Toscano

Unbreakable, nothing else comes close though they’re all good.