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Here it is! My feature-length YouTube documentary. I'm looking for a few of you that are interested/willing to watch it and provide me with some critiques.

I'm looking for commonalities among everyone like music being too loud/quiet, unnecessary repetition, confusion, narrative issues, dragging out, stuff like that.

Devin will be color grading the final version so some shots may look flat and bland, especially at the beginning that will be fixed later. I've already made a few changes from this version as well.

I know this wont pull large numbers on the channel, but certainly ended up being a passion project. And what good timing with all the UFO stuff in the news recently.

Grab the popcorn, and I REALLY hope you enjoy and have fun with this.


Gulf Breeze UFO Draft


Derek Benson

Ohhhh shoot it’s here!

Johan Faas

Oh shit, that was sooner than I expected - I'm hyped! Not home right now but I'll watch this tomorrow and make some notes while I do, can't wait!

brad fedick

Oh no I'm not in the credits. Great job Holden this was a great film. I wish I could own it on physical media.


I'll absolutely fix it for the final. A couple others have said they havent been in the credits that I'll be adding too

Jose Luis Balderas Ruiz

If I had to nitpick, I think you spend a bit too long on playing mini golf. Wish you had been able to talk to the Man himself. Good job. Personally, I don't believe any UFO sighting would be alien 👽 related.

Ahmad Zain

To much mini golf but loved the doc. and do more of theses.


I liked this and would be stoked to see you continue making full length videos like this. I watched this with my partner and noted to him that you were looking for feedback, and he mentioned the mini golf could be shortened as well. I think it adds a fun element to the video though so definitely still keep it in, but just a tad shorter. This might be a weird thing to add, but liked the part where you guys find the raccoons, haha. It's just a small funny thing but shows your personalities and friendship when you guys joke around, and I think that's a big reason why a lot of us love watching your videos. :) During Ed's Story I really liked the different video clips added in, like at 14:30. I think if more things like this could be added in (just during Ed's Story I mean) it could add some nice additional visual variation since it's a lot of info to unpack, but I do understand that this does add to the cost, whether that be something custom animated, or stock footage. Hope this feedback helps, and keep up the great work Holden!


This is truly awesome my guy

Gerardo Vazquez

Hey Holden you should do more Doc videos like this man. This was so interesting and entertaining to watch! I was kinda bummed when it ended hahaha. But seriously great freaking job man!

Johan Faas

This was great! Honestly, the structure and narrative were very sound. The only "major" thing I would add (though I assume it's too late/tooo much work) is maybe a visualized timeline for the "Ed's story" chapter. You list off a lot of dates in those 13 minutes, and I feel like it would benefit from a (even very simple) timeline to visualize it all. Other tiny nitpicks I have would be: - Minigolf drags a bit - Missing subtitles at 4:13, I know you recap what he said immediately after, but he's got subtitles everywhere else in the video. - 11:55 "Has his polaroid in one camera, and his gun in the other" Beside all of that, great stuff!

Johan Faas

This is what I meant with a simple timeline btw: https://i.imgur.com/qSEpG8o.png


Thanks so much! I'll fix what I can. Definitely the polaroid in one camera line, lol


Very entertaining. Nice touch adding Dr Greer and attempting his meditation communication technique. All the edits in that last wrap up and dramatic “BAM” when showing each pic at the beginning were only minor quibbles for me.

Kyle Vandever

It was good. Never heard of that incident before. Being a documentary I did learn a little something. The mini golf scene was a little too long. Just by a little bit. The chapter set up was a good idea, and looked good. It helps the overall flow of the film. The added clips were a good touch. It was nice seeing actual footage. I don’t really have any big complaints. It was cool to see you do a full length film. Keep them coming!

Jamie Tartt

Very impressed. Well done. I do think you can trim a bit off. Especially that Golf Course part. I think adding a timeline to the events in the beginning would really help


Thanks for the feedback everyone!