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I know getting the return date delayed sucks, but the outpouring of positivity coming in my direction is enough that it feels like I've moved to Tuscany, leaving my life as a harried businesswoman behind, and met a nice man.

I haven't responded to every message as there have been so many of them and that would defeat the purpose of having time off, but I read them all and the support you've all shown me is humbling.

Thank you all so much.


Adam Birch

Waiting a couple months for chapters is nothing to waiting years for books. Everyone deserves a break and to be able to relax. This story is so good, and I don't want you getting burnt out so yeah. Take care of yourself, have a nice time with your family. I hope it's a restful and energizing time.


So I work health care and I have caught Covid several times. This last one was the culmination of several terrible things. My landlord calling me and telling me he is selling the place, 30 days to get out. Nothing available I can afford anywhere close so I move to another US state. I catch Covid as I arrive, I get a trip to the hospital (the third freaking time for Covid) I get a transfer to completely different job within my company. This whole exercise starts at the end of May. September, new place, internet access and ... and I get more of Jason Asano... Life is good. As a aside this round of Covid No taste... No Smell... I've lost over 10 kgs of weight in the last couple of months... go figure. Do not underestimate Jasons abilities to cook as a moral item.