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  • I got sick right after getting home from my holiday.
  • It's not covid. I've had multiple tests to make sure.
  • I'm taking extra time off to recover.
  • There will not be charges for August for existing patrons.
  • Return date is tentatively set for September 1st/2nd (depending on time zone).

That's the quick and crappy version above. I know you were all looking forward to the resumption of chapters this week, and I really, really hate extending the break. I probably could force myself back into writing right now, but that would slow my recovery and negatively affect my writing. For one thing, I spent three weeks using strange beds on a boat and a train and in hotel rooms of... mixed quality. So long away from my lovely, lovely hammock was not good for my back, and sitting down in front of my computer for most of the day will not help get it in order. Middle age sucks.

Health has to be the priority. There will be no charges for existing patrons in August. I hope you all have a better month than I'm looking at.

Also, my mum really loved the holiday.




I’m so glad she enjoyed it and I hope you did too!!! I’ll see you in September, Shirt!


As much as I want to see the interaction of the 2 worlds essence abilities I can wait for your health to improve. I hope you get better soon. Take all the time you need.