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  • I'm taking next week off due to exhaustion.
  • I'm taking all of December off. There will be no new content in December.
  • Payments will be paused during December, meaning that existing patrons will retain access to all content but existing patrons will NOT be charged for the month of December.
  • I know I did this after teasing the next chapter quite cruelly. Sorry about that.

The extremely long version:

The accumulation of stress and exhaustion has reached a point where if I don't take a mental health break, the thing that breaks will be me. It wasn't that long ago that I took a break after completing the book 7 chapters, and I went into that already heavily stressed an exhausted. Unfortunately, a number of events conspired to prevent me from getting the downtime I needed during that break and I came out of it more stressed than I went in.

At that point, I was just looking to take some time off at New years. Subsequent events, however, have exacerbated my problems. I now fins myself in a feedback loop where exhaustion makes everything take longer, which means I don't get enough rest and wind up more exhausted.

I won't go into detail on everything that has come up, but but my mother was hospitalised last week, where she joined my brother who was already there after being in a major accident. Both are now home, but events have not had a positive impact on my time management or stress levels, as you might imagine.

I'm taking a week off for rest, which is not a decision I make lightly. I'm frequently asked for advice on becoming a successful serialised author and the #1 piece of advice is always the same: set a schedule and keep it. So, to break that schedule on short notice is not something I want to do but, at this point, it's something I need to do.

After more than two years of writing this story, a lot has changed for me. The schedule I set when I was starting out was designed to get as many chapters out as I could without burning out. The schedule I set back then did not take into account the various non-writing aspects I never realised would occupy so much of my time. As the story has found success - thank you for that, by the way - the non-writing aspects of being an author have only grown.

This is not me saying I'm going to change the standard release schedule, because it will continue at five days a week. But in order to maintain that, I need to reorganise how I work, in a major way. I need a proper rest and time to rebuild my time management from the ground up, which means hitting a big reset button. That reset button will be taking December off entirely. No weekly chapters, like I've done in the past.

As December won't have any content, I've decided to pause payments for that month. This means that any existing patrons will retain full content access at their tier level but will NOT be charged for the month of December. New patrons will be charged during this time for access to existing content.

The goal of these interruptions is to set myself up so that my increasingly untenable workload becomes once again sustainable. I've already started taking steps on this front and will continue to do so throughout the year. My intention is to start 2022 fresh, rested and ready to move forward with the story, stronger than ever.

I know what all this comes down to is that you will all be getting less chapters than you would like during the rest of this year. I hate making this choice, but it has to be made in order to fix what has become an increasingly impactful problem.

At this stage, I'm really looking forward to next year, being fully rested and launching myself fresh into the story. As for the road bumps along the way, I can only say I'm sorry.

-Shirt (Travis)



I hope things get better and to good rest to be had.

Ricky Kukowski

enjoy your break! love your work


Rest well


Enjoy the break!


Gotta do what’s best for you bud

rene kaminawash

No I forbid it :p jk sounds like a good plan


Hope your break is relaxing! Take all the time you need

Alex C

Honestly, reading this you might want to take longer. You've been going for a long time and two or three months of light planning and relaxing would be more restful.


You deserve a rest! Enjoy it and recharge!


Good! You keep an unbelievably grueling schedule. IMO you should just make it a thing to take off every December!

frankie doerr

Enjoy that break I’m a huge fan so I’ll still be here when you come back


Rest up and hope you feel better man!

Adrian Gorgey

Rest well! You deserve it

Aaron Schwartz

Wait… does that mean that will be writing through November? Then why decide to take December off?


Take care of yourself, enjoy the holidays and a well deserved rest.

Mike G.

Thanks for the heads-up- sounds like you're doing the right thing. I hope your family members recover soon, and you have a great break.


I recommend this to every author who says their burning out, try regular scheduled breaks, pirateaba takes one week off every month and seems to be doing better.


Quite reasonable and I am happy that you have sense to take both a breather now and a proper break later on. We'll be here :)


I’m glad you can take Time off both for you and your family. Will be here.


Get some rest. We might be hungry for chapters, but only because of the quality you produce. Don't kill yourself to put more out there. We'll still be here when you get back.


Makes sense, take care of yourself.


Dude rest up. Take care of yourself, life happens and you can’t keep grinding forever. We want you to keep going, which means not burning out.


Get some rest!


Have a great break. Enjoy December and I hope your family and everything else gets better


No rush, take the break, we’ll be here when you get back.


Take all the time you need. The story will be here when you get back.

Kenneth Darlin

Travis, I understand and sympathize. I’m going through a hard time myself and am about a week or so behind on reading, so I am good. You health and well-being is more important than a book! We support this because we love the book, but also everyone will still be here after the break. Get centered and better!! God bless and keep you and yours always!


Hey Travis, take the break and dont be to sad about it cause your health is more important than anything else. Also i would recommend to outsource all of the work that doesnt need ur creative hand (for example brickwork India). They do an insane Job and are cheep. Keep it Up and greetings from Germany.


I've seen authors drop stories out of nowhere because they focused more on schedules then maintaining the quality of their story and mental health, it would be sad to see either that or you and this great book suffering due to stress and exhaustion. Take the time you need to make adjustments that will be healthy for you in the long run, we'll be here when you return <3


The point of the December break is not just to rest but also to reorganise how I operate my workload. I'm still running things the way I did when no one had ever heard of me and I had no obligations. Now I spend hours everyday going through comments, going through the discord, dealing with publishing requirements and other various tasks that all take away from the time I get to write. I'm going to use December to rebuild how I work from the ground up and seriously improve my time management.

Zachary Nahrstadt

Thanks for the heads up and focus on you and the fam we will be here when you get back

Philip Pleiss

Take the breather and enjoy! I recommend reading, video games, and good company. Season liberally with your relaxant of choice


You have done an incredible job. Take the rest, we all, regardless of our profession, deserve to take mental health breaks. Thank you! Enjoy your breaks, and all the best to your family.

Blayne Allsen

Travis man, do what is best for you. Take your time and take care of yourself. I'll probably drop off for the next month of chapters to build up then rejoin in December for a binge. I saw someone else mention it in comments, if you need an extra month or two to get a proper rest in, we'll support you. Well wishes for your family's recovery and enjoy your break!


So glad you are taking care of yourself. Take as much time as you need. I want to be reading stories from you well into the future. So resting and recharging now makes imminent sense. You are an amazing storyteller and writer. I’m guessing you are a pretty amazing person as well. In any case, take care and, as others have said, we will be here when you get back.


You are doing an amazing job. Not sure if this price of information would mean anything to you but the artist for the Manga “one piece” regularly takes time off. It is necessary for you to take time to keep doing what you love and also being there for the ones you love. We are not going anywhere.


Do what you have to do to stay sane. I’m a firm believer in mental health. Selfishly I want you mentally heathy so you keep writing. I love the story.

Alexander Dupree

Thanks for the heads up and take the breaks you need. Time off is better than quitting out of frustration


You've put in the work, a brutal effort week over week. Thanks for being transparent. Take the time you need.

Blayne Allsen

^^^^^ Very great point here, time off is better than frustrated quitting!


Yo shirt sounds like you got a good plan mate hope your mom and brother get better and you have a good break enjoy your time :D


Glad you're taking this time. Consider including a scheduled break every month or two.


Rest up mate, team biscuits can wait.


Take the time you need. I'm sure that all of your fans would agree with me that it is much better for to take the break you need instead of burning out. I hope the time off is relaxing this time and that you get some well-earned rest. We will still be here when you get back.


Take the time, man. You get your rest, figure out what you need to do, and we'll all cheer when you come back. Thanks for all the amazing work you've done so far.


As a narcoleptic, I sincerely hope you get some quality rest. 😊


Thanks for letting us know shirt, I wish you the best of breaks!


Take what time you need to figure things out. Writing should be a means to living a good, healthy life—not something that makes that impossible. We look forward to you continuing in January with a new grasp on what healthy writing activities mean for you. Thank you for your wonderful writing over these past couple of years! 😊


I would much rather an author I enjoy, take some much needed time to reset and reorganize, then have quality drop and then say " I can't do this anymore" and rush an ending to stop.


Take the time you need to reset and reconfigure yourself. Stress sucks and I love this story way to much to lose you to it lol. I'd rather you take time off for your health than to lose you to it entirely and the story with you. Might be selfish of me to say that but its the truth. Take care of yourself!!


Just do what‘s best for you. And I hope you and your family get better soon.

Daniel Mallais

Take as much time as you need! We'll all be here with open arms when you're rested and ready too come back!


Rest up, look after your self and family. We will all be here to welcome you back in the new year.


Dude so sorry you're stressed out...take your much deserved break and recharge yourself...we don't want to break you and you don't have real essences...we love you bro




All good g. I hate that you feel the need to apologize to us for taking a break. I think we all go through this in our lives at several points. Take care of yourself. ✌️

Robert Nugent

I worked the same high stress job for 30 years. It takes a mental and physical toll. Make sure you take plenty of time off. Consider getting help, both work-related and emotional. You’ve got a good thing going here, but it’s gotta work for you.


Be safe and get your head right, we get it.


Take as much time as you need, I hope everything goes well. Have a good break!

Bob of Doom

Dude... obviously you just need to upload a copy of your mind to the internet and that way you can write and laz around at the same time. Until then take what you need. Just keep us informed.

Clay Smith

A big thing to me is that you give the heads up for longer breaks like this, instead of just ghosting out.


Rest up man, we’ll be waiting.


My addiction to your writing is nothing to sneer at but I would rather you recoup and stave off the personal “breakage”. If Jason gets to take a break to keep from going belly up, then you can too! (Of course, this is before the dreaded month of December comes.)


I understand where you are right now. Do whatever you need. You are more important than us or the story. If there is anything you need, just shout out.

Tanner Lovelace

I applaud you for being upfront about what you’re doing and when you’re doing it. Taking a week off now and even the month in December isn’t a problem if we know what’s up. I’ve seen many other authors on Patreon simply disappear for a month or two without saying a thing. Thank you for letting us know and I hope your time off works to do what you want it to. Best of luck.

Mark Smith

Totally get it. Hope you enjoy your respite.


Naturally I will miss my fix of chapters, but seriously, your well-being (and your family's) is much more important. I hope, the week off and later month off will be exactly what you need in order to continue writing, but in a healthy and enjoyable way.


No worries man, we all need time to reset our brains sometimes. Hope your break is a nice one and you get exactly what you need out of it. I think a lot of us have been used to, in the past, waiting years between releases. The fact that you're able to write a stunning and engaging story, putting new content out every week day has impressed me beyond expression. Have a good break, I look forward to reading more of Jason's shenanigans when you resume


Honestly man I’ve been impressed you were keeping it going this long. Take all the time you need I’ll still be here at the least

Greg Lambert

You and Jason both could use a vacation and some time having fruity refreshments with umbrellas. Rest and recover. There is no shame about taking time for yourself. As for Patreon, I can only imagine it could feel like an anchor where you have to deliver chapters. Yet, Many of us are here to support you and your writing. The pause while generous isn’t necessary from my point of view. Thank you for the work and writing you do.


Take as much time as you need. Also, I don’t mind paying even if you’re on break. I’m paying to support an awesome author, not just because I get extra chapters. Recharge and hope you feel 100% again soon!


I've always felt that it's better to work to live rather than to live to work. I should skip the philosophy. If you need a break, I think it's fine to take one without having to justify it to us other than letting us know you need it. Hope things go well.

Aaron Kibby

Take all the time you need shirt! You have definitely deserve it with all the hard work you do!


United States

Rick White

Take care of yourself.


I love your writing, so I will always want more, but I really feel you on the building up stress thing, and I'm very happy to read you're prioritizing yourself!


You got this Shirt!


Take all the time you need to keep yourself healthy. We’ll be here waiting for you when you come back.


As someone who's been following your work for a while, you don't have to feel sorry for anything. Take all the time you need to rest up and take care of your family. As much as I like the story, it's never going to be more important than your health. If anything, thank you for being transparent and giving us a heads up. Take it easy and enjoy your break


Hey take as much time as you need! If you need to take a longer break, take a longer break.


Everyone needs vacation time

Xander Cadence

Be good to yourself man. There is only one of you and you don't have to be perfect!!! Stay sane and stay safe!!! We are behind you all the way!!


Take care of yourself, easy peasy.


Hope you are able to get the rest you need. Thanks for being an awesome author.


Take the time off. We all love this story and we want it to continue... But not at the expense of your mental health. Your writing should bring you as much happiness as it brings all of us. Reset, take care of yourself and your family. Enjoy some time to yourself. We will all be here whenever you get back.

Nicholas F

I am glad you are taking a break instead of burning out. You and your writing will be much better for not being an exhausted wreck. We will be here for you when you get back. Much love and respect.

Braden Lambert

Trav take the time off we love your content but we also love who it comes from. Take 2 weeks off if you have to brother it’s not a big deal for us, we will be here when you get back.


Sure I m already missing the story but since the most important part is you … Keep the faith and love alive and rest will be yours. Sincerely , Max’s mom


Nothing important to say, but I want to chime in with "do what you need to do." I'll be here when you get back!


You do what you gotta do. I'd rather go a while with no story than have you burn out and give it up, which would only be worse if you let yourself get hurt with not taking care of yourself.


Being able to experience this story has relieved more than enough stress in my own life, take as much time as you need mate!


Wholeheartedly agree. Take a long break to refresh yourself. This is a great story and can endure without you writing all the time. I'm a physician and know the value of work life balance. It's a marathon, not a sprint.


Love the world you have created, take all the time you need and come back when your ready, or don't, you owe you readers nothing and we should be more than grateful for what you have given us already. If the current pace is too much maybe it's time to dial it back before you lose passion for the story


The more i read of this journey the more ive determined that it is worth the wait. Thank you for providing the content that you have, and do right by yourself sir.


Take the time you need, mate. Only come back when you’re ready. We’ll be here.

Joshua Morris

You do what you have to. I would rather wait for a good story than not have any at all.


Thank you for taking care of yourself. You deserve to be in a good place. And I would rather you took 6 months to get yourself on the right track, than loosing you 6 months from now. And I would rather keep paying for my tier, than you feeling the need to return prematurely. Please consider making a tier that is running in December as well, so we have the option to support you and be your patrons, even if you don't produce anything.


Don't you dare burnout I've always been amazed at your release schedule and wondered how the hell you did it. Love ya!!!!!


You go man - take all the time you need!


Do what you gotta do.

Chad L.

No worries. We will be here when you get back.


Rest up my good sir. See you in 2022!


As many others have said, I love the world and stories you are telling. Thank you for sharing it with us. I hope you can find emotionally resolve what has been effecting your life. I also hope you can enjoy the time off and as a few others have said, I would prefer to pay my subscription during that time, if possible.

Paul Sneddon

Do whatever you feel you need to do.


Take the time you need to fully recover. Better you get yourself feeling better and we have to wait than burning yourself out and not being able to do anything.


You do what you have to do. Mental health is important.


I hope your family makes a speedy recovery, so sorry my to hear that. Don't dare feel bad about taking a break, you absolutely deserve it. Your release schedule is truly astounding, as an avid and voracious fantasy reader, I cut my teeth on Robert Jordan, GRRM and pat rothfuss. With the standard fantasy release schedule of years I felt truly spoiled when I finished the audiobooks only to find that there were months more of reading for me. You can take a break for a month to be with your family and rest and recuperate knowing that thousands of people who care about you and truly want you to get your head on straight. Merry Christmas my man and a happy new year.


You've given us more chapters than any other author I follow; take as much time as you need. Thanks for being up front with us as well. Wishing you and yours the best.


Take care of what ya gotta do. Quick healing for your family.

Brian Blose

Please take all the time you need. I would hate for you to put the wants of your audience above the needs of yourself.


Have a good break! Hope things start coming together better for ya. Sounds like I'm not alone in being happy to wait patiently for your return. Us word addicts aren't going anywhere!


Take the rest you need, burnout is awful! We'll be here when you get back :)


Best wishes in the recovery of your family and I hope you enjoy the month :)


Take all the time you need. Health is the most important thing we have, be it mental or otherwise.


Please take care of yourself. Self care is so important. I hear you.


Self care is important - you more than deserve the break and don’t feel guilty about it in the slightest!


Descansa tio, que sea leve


Personally I'd much rather you take breaks as needed than to burn out and never finish the story. Have a good vacation!


Take care of yourself! Although there will be circumstances that always require your attention and take away from time you set aside for yourself, hopefully you’ll still have be the time you need to focus on your health first. Have a wonderful break when you do go on it!

Shannon Bryce

I'm glad that you're taking the time you need to focus on yourself. I'm just curious about November.


Enjoy a well deserved break (insert happy face) Find something that sparks joy out of work. I've started collecting pirate jokes highly recommended xxx


Take the time. Hey honestly take a week longer if you can.


We can wait. If you go bonkers the story ends.

Bert Babb

Do what you've gotta do to preserve your health in all areas. Reset and regroup and return stronger than ever. Whats the alternative, crash and burn..... nope that doesnt work out too well. So rest up and we'll catch up later on. (Thumbs up)


Take your time and rest up! You are your priority so do what’s needed. Been a long time follower and will continue to be one haha 🥰🥰 Thanks for the hard work~


Mate, you should take whatever time you need. Everyone needs time to unwind, and if your busy it can take a week or two to even get there.


Enjoy your time off man, hope it does a you good.


Please take care of yourself. Your health and well-being is important to me. I hope your family members recover quickly from their trials. Much love!


If life is as bad as it sounds like it is then maybe take the rest of the year off with weekly chapters. I hate to see the author burn out and I understand the need for r&r. Enjoy your well deserved rest my friend.


Take your time. I have been thoroughly impressed with how fast you have been putting out chapters. Just know you can always post and ask for help if it’s needed. We are here for you. Enjoy your holidays and I can’t wait to hear from next year.

Jim Moak

Love your work and I know that without the creator, the content doesn’t get written (outside of craziness like Wheel of Time) So rest, recuperate, and relax to get where you need to be. Because I love this world you’re taking us through and want more than each chapter. Best wishes to your mum and brother.

Chad Hagner

Good for you, your story is amazing and if you need rest then you damn well better rest!!!! Will make that first January chapter all the more exquisite!


Right on, Enjoy the holidays, I appreciate your posts and look forward to catching new ones when you get back


My work literally shuts down for 1-2 weeks in December so many people take off. I get 20 days vacation and ten paid holidays. FMLA and other benefits. Why should you get any less? Recoup and you should schedule vacations into your schedule regularly!


Take a break, get some rest, take the time to enjoy the holidays. We'll be ready and waiting for you whenever you decide you're ready to continue, be that after December or later. Health comes first. Physical or otherwise. Take care.


No worries, man. You need a break, and that's cool - do what you need to! Don't burn yourself out, and come back when you're ready!


Take the time you need.


Get your rest and we'll be here to enjoy the fruits of your muse when you get back. Hoping for a quick recovery for your family!


Take care and recharge, Travis. Your health is more important than the books! Love your stories, so I hope you'll find your balance and joy of writing again!


Thanks for all the writing. Take your time we will be here when you get back.

Lewis McReu

Take your time and come back when you’re ready! We’ll be waiting.


Honestly its worth the 10$ just to have you get rested up and keep writing. Would hate for you to burn out and stop.

Dominic Harney

Take your time mate. We’ll be here when you’re ready.


Take care Travis! You're doing amazing work, so please take care of yourself!


Take care man. I hope all starts going better for you and your family.


Good thing that you are able to be honest about it and are stoping in time. Too many people do not accept mental fatigue until they are broken. Get well and come back once you are fine again. We will prevail 👍


Its really good you can say enough is enough. Taking time off is only natural, we cant enjoy the chapters knowing how much suffer it brings to you. Maybe even change the schedule to a less stressful one


While I will always appreciate your work Shirt, you should take care of yourself. I would hate to be a driving force that hurts someone that has brought me so many wonderful stories and experiences.


Thank you for letting know in advance. Many authors are not as thoughtful. Have a good rest and may I wish you the best in getting things back on a more even keel and hope that life in general improves for you and your family.


Thanks for all the content you’ve granted so far. Hope you have a satisfying break!

Jeff Homer

You deserve a break no one puts out as many chapters a week as you do

Edwin Auer

It's OK. I've had the same thing with my very sick wife. Don't burn yourself out trying to keep everything going as normal. Sometimes it's just not possible.

Melchisedec Bailey

Shirt! Damnit! I love you. But F that last cliffhanger! I mean. You got some real shit going on. And you need to take care of that. But. Fuuuuuu the cliff is so steep! But also I want you to be happy and healthy. I am conflicted. The asshole in me is like, damnit need more. But the chill dude in me is like, bruh you need to take care of you first. GAHHH

Michael Langston

I've waited like 10 years for Door or Stone, I can wait a few weeks for HWFWM, get some rest Shirt =) And have a good holiday vacation

Nicolas Maganto

I would advise you to take the longest time possible off so you can REALLY get yourself back to topnotch health physically and mentally. You need to comprehend one thing that Jason started doing recently : mental healing takes time and one month may not be enough... Between your family needing time and care and your will to reorganize your working and off schedule, you might just not have enough time for yourself doing just nothing and chilling. You need to nurse yourself back to health and it most definitely will take time. A burn out is not something so trivial you will heal in no time. I would strongly advise you take an appointment with a psychiatrist too as this can help flatten out your problems and will eventually make you better in much better time (if that's what bothers you)


Take the time you need. You do too good a job to burn yourself out, and I, for one, would prefer to get content more slowly than not get it at all!


While it may not be professional advice, in my book all you had to say was "I need a break". You've delivered pretty consistently for years so when you say you need to take a month off to avoid burning out I am inclined to take you at your word. Enjoy the time off and take care of yourself :)

Josh Teague

Take care of you first. The story will always be here for you to come back to when you have had your time. Love your work but don't run yourself to hard for us. Please take what time you need I'm sure we will all be willing to wait patiently for you.

Jack Trowell

Thank you for the notice, take your time


Like everyone’s already saying man and just reinforcing it, do what you need to do. I’ve never seen another author pump out so much like you and I think everyone collectively here simply says: We’ve got your back, Do what you need to. You’ve done amazing work and we all understand. I hope you managed to get a good rest, and that everything works out with your mother and brother. I know what that’s like and family comes first always.


About time this happened. Scaling always had its challenges and I have no doubt that you'll come out the other end better for it. Good call.


Take all the time you need man.Rest and family are more important than any of us enjoyers of HWFWM(still love it by the way).I have been working 54 hours a week for the last few months and am looking forward to a December break my self.Much love and appreciation from my comfy couch in a little town in Georgia✌️


Thanks for the update and make sure to take care of yourself! Hard to make new content if you’re brain dead and emotionally fried. Thanks for the continued great work and everything you’ve put out!


Shirt, Take your time man, all the time you need. I’d rather have the content slowly than your getting burnt out & not writing at all :) I’m a physician, please listen to your mind & body, take the rests that you need or your body will demand it without your say so :)


Your health is more important than us getting five weekly chapters. You already release much more than most serialized authors do, and the content is absolutely amazing. So much so that I'm recommending it to all of my friends that enjoy these types of stories. Hopefully you're able to get the rest you need on your month off, and hopefully this next week helps you as well. I know we'll all be here when you get back

Hunter Vook

Your health is more important than this book.


Doing something similar in my own life over the next couple of months; take the time off, hit that reset button, and come back stronger than ever!

Aaron Simmons

Rest up brother. We can be patient.


Your work is incredible and you both deserve and earned a well needed rest. Sounds like a perfect time to start reading it all over from the top.


Take care of yourself.


Sounds good man.


Take your time man!


Enjoy the break.


I pick up new things each read through too. The depth is amazing. Get some quality rest Shirt!


Totally fine! Glad you are getting some rest! Arabelle would approve of this.


Get the rest you need mate. Sorry to hear about your family. Definitely go take care of them and yourself

James Oliger

Life is meant to be enjoyed, I am thrilled to get to enjoy your work but self care is vital to longevity of spirit. Do what you need, treat yourself how you deserve. Your fans will still enjoy your work and be eager for more later.

Dion Crump

You do you Shirt, we love the story but your health and well-being comes first, take care of your self and know that you still have our backing even when you just need to relax

John M Davis

Dude, i dont know any writers who can pump out this much content without taking breaks. I mean who isn't still waiting for Doors of Stone! Have yourself a fine holiday. I for one will be here when you get back up and grooving!

Lucas Gulick

I've never seen another author put out the kind of quality you do at such an extreme pace, your work gives me something to look forward to every day in a dark place in my life to the point that I dislike weekends because I know there wont be any new chapters. I'm sorry to hear about your family and I hope everyone recovers fully (including you). I'm deeply grateful for what you write and wish that you take all the time you need so that I can have a story that continues for years to come. Thank you.

Lucas Gulick

Freaking rothfuss basically announced that it wasnt coming out a few months ago. I check into his blog every couple months for updates


Dude it's fine, you've been working at a brutal schedule for a while now. Take a break. If anything I would consider changing your schedule to one that allows regular breaks. Your mental health is important, and quality is easier to maintain with regular breaks. Even if you took 1 week of with every 4 that is still a tonne of content. We are coming up to a new year which is a good time to think about permanent changes


Take it easy and enjoy the break!


Health always comes first, take your time :) we'll be there when you come back


It is often said that one should write about what one knows. It give a new perspective on your recent writing about Jason nearly having a meltdown… especially when his anticipated “vacation” from having to keep dealing with those more powerful than him is stepped on. Please take the time off. We don’t need you pulling a Jason from too much pressure. We’ll survive the downtime!


Have a great break!

Cyrus McEnnis

Yeah, I think "Don't pull a Jason" pretty much perfectly encapsulates what I wanted to say. Look after yourself, sir. The hardest lesson I had to learn when contracting was to both budget in leave to my rates and then actually letting myself take said leave. I really appreciate you letting us know you're taking a break, and you've provided many hours of entertainment to me. I'd selfishly quite like you to continue doing that : )


I've been following He Who Fights with Monsters via Audible and eagerly anticipating each release. Both me and my wife love the series and it's an inspiration. And although I just got here and became a patron, even I say it's ok to take a break! Holy shart your stuff is good, and it can't be easy coming up with content that good for that long (and so much of it too). I'm in awe, sir.


Nicely done, realizing it is time to slow down, unplug and recharge. I’m sure Rufus and Farrah would be proud of you.


I know all about buring out. Take all the time you need.


First things first. Hope it is a thorough blessing for you with rest, reorganization, and getting all the priorities right. Looking forward to the next chapters and a recharged January.


Thanks for letting us know, Travis. I hope your Mom and Brother are doing well, and that this week helps you get yourself in a better place.


Take all the time you need. You’ve been entertaining us for a couple of years now. While we’re waiting will just have to start the series all over again!

Robert Phipps Jr (Perren d'Wolff)

As much as I hate to suggest it, maybe cut back the releases to 3 or 4 times a week. I love the 5 days a week release cycle but as im sure we can all tell, it must be a straight bitch to maintain. You already have a healthy backlog written up for Amazon so your covered on that front, and your fans here on Patreon would understand the need. Besides taking more time like that can lead to better writing as your not so rushed and stressed out over it, not that im saying its bad.


Worry less, vacation more


Hey Travis - have a great break from the work and hope thing improve for you. You've built a great community around this story :) I hope you don't feel cut off from it during this break from writing .


Not at all. I'm having a great break and the avalanche of well-wishes has been amazing.


merry xmas happy New Years matey


Glad to hear you’re taking time off. Wish I could buy you a drink to help enjoy the down time. Hope all is well.


Take all the time you need, and don't worry about us. We love your story, but in order to keep getting quality content you need to be in top shape. So in taking time for yourself, you are taking time for us as well. I hope things work out with your mother and brother, and I will be praying for them. Thank you for the wonderful writing, and take time time you need to feel refreshed.


Aye 420 liked

Robert Hegi

Take care. Relax. See you in 2022. What I do is read or listen to a book. That’s what Princess Donut would do.


I hope you have a proper BBQ soon.