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Jason’s barbecue was in full swing, with people crowded along the cliff top and kids splashing in the river, letting it carry them into the magic barrier that stopped them from going over the waterfall and bounced them back. Jason had a steak sandwich in one hand and a drink in a hollowed-out coconut in the other.

“This is nice,” Rufus said as he, Jason and Farrah wandered about, meeting the locals. “Tomorrow is the Adventure Society and work, so it’s good to relax and go in fresh. It’s a monster surge, so things are going to be hectic.”

Jason and Farrah, who had been through proto-spaces and monster waves, shared a look. Compared to those, a monster surge was relaxing. The surge was on a much grander scale than the localised events the pair had been through but the individual experience was much less intense.

“I have to say,” Jason said, “silver-rank senses are great for cooking. Having enhanced taste really helps get a handle on new ingredients. Speaking of which…”

He waved at a local and wandered over, a woman of around thirty with no magic in her aura.

“Gwendi, you are an absolute princess,” Jason said. “That sauce recipe… I have no words.”

“Which is quite something, believe me,” Rufus added.

“It’s always been a favourite,” Gwendi said. “Did Mitras and Gelli say hello?”

“I got a wave as they ran for the river,” Jason said with a chuckle and Gwendi shook her head.

“No manners, those two. Oh, Jasil and Mr Walsh were looking for you as well.”

“I’m sure I’ll bump into them,” Jason said.

Rufus contemplated Jason as they continued to circulate.

“How do you know so many of these people already?” he asked.

“All this didn’t just happen, you know,” Jason said, waved his arm broadly at the picnic tables, grills, chairs, kegs of booze and everything else. “You think I had time to do this much cooking? Look at that salad table. Little communities like this; they’re great at coming together. Nicest people you’ll ever meet.”

The afternoon turned to evening with a glorious sunset descending past the western hills. Rather than put out glow stones, Jason conjured his cloak which looked a bit silly over his floral shirt and shorts, even with the hood pushed back. Motes of starlight emerged from his cloak and drifted over the area, adding to the starlight from the sky overhead.

“Show off,” Rufus accused him.

"Every time," Jason told him with a smile that didn't quite reach his eyes. "Somewhere along the way, I forgot that magic wasn't all misery, danger and death. It's good to be home."

Jason dodged off to say hello to yet more locals, plastering on a smile as he waved at them. Rufus watched him go with concern.

“How bad was it really?” he asked Farrah softly.

“He wanted to bring his family with him,” she said. “They didn’t come because they were scared of him.”

“Because of the way his abilities are?”

“No. Just make sure Gary doesn’t make any jokes about evil powers, alright?”


Jason immediately got along with the local gold-ranker, Warwick Warnock. Despite having the name of a mid-tier supervillain he was friendly and humble, heavily dialling down his aura so as to not make anyone uncomfortable.

While everyone with an aura followed the etiquette of keeping it restrained, there were different ways of going about it. There were ways of holding back power while still making sure people knew it was there. Warnock, kept his locked away tight, just as Jason had since his efforts at an aura disguise went awry with the Adventure Society official they had met on Jason’s yacht.

Jason sensed three more gold-rank auras approaching, one of which belonged to Pelli, the mayor. He quietly vanished into the shadows, leaving his sparkling lights behind and met them before they reached the gathering.

Pelli was walking up the path from town with two more celestines. They both had emerald hair and matching eyes, neither with monster cores evident in their auras. Looking at them, especially the man, Jason noticed a number of incongruities. There was something odd about the way they carried themselves and how their auras were a little too perfect, even for gold rank. It reminded him of Dawn when she was stuck below her actual diamond rank.

His suspicions were all but confirmed when he sensed the slightest whiff of the woman’s aura brushing over his own before vanishing from his senses again. It did not reveal a diamond-rank power but he was certain they were reading his aura all but unnoticed, despite his power and control. Jason knew he could not shut out a sufficiently determined and powerful gold-ranker but he doubted that even the strongest could plumb the depths of his aura unnoticed. That would take a diamond-ranker.

Shade emerged from Jason’s shadow, with three hands each holding out a drink for the new visitors.

“Shadow of the Reaper?” the man asked as he took the offered drink.

“Indeed, sir. My name is Shade.”

“Are you attached to the Order of the Reaper?”

“Previously, sir. I am satisfied that my service to that organisation has been sufficient and I have quite vehemently moved on.”

“They left him in a hole under a lake for half a millennium,” Jason said. “As you’re no doubt aware, the more politically ambitious faction threw the rest under the bus. Oh, a bus is–”

“I know what a bus is, Mr Asano,” the man said. “I should have been more fastidious with my aura and body language, I see.”

“I know that story,” Jason said. “You have me at a disadvantage, sir, which I can see becoming an unfortunate theme.”

Jason then turned to Pelli.

“You do realise that this was meant to be a low-key gathering, Ms Rimaros? Or is it Mrs Rimaros?”

"It is Pelli, thank you, young man. This is Zila and–”

“Soramir,” the man said.

“Oh,” Jason said, looking at Soramir. One of the things Jason discovered in the last few days was that in the local culture, palindromic first and last names were assigned in adulthood rather than at birth and denoted important members of a given family. It was most common in small families where it might be a prominent adventurer or high-ranking civic official. The more prominent the family, the less common the practice.

“Are you sure you should have told him that?” Pelli asked.

“We’ve already been careless,” Soramir told her, “which has made our intentions and our rudeness plain. We should at least refrain from compounding our discourtesy.”

“Mate,” Jason said, “the last diamond-ranker I met killed me, so my standards of courtesy operate on bit of a different curve. Also, I’ve been known to be a bit rude myself, from time to time, so no worries. It’s lovely to meet you both. Let’s all go take a sausage in the mouth.”


In the dark of night, everyone had gone home. Shade was picking up rubbish while Jason was cleaning the barbecues. Rufus and Farrah had offered to help but Jason told them not to, knowing that he needed to be alone. One of Shade’s bodies was holding up a dirty hotplate while Jason applied an alchemical cleanser and started scrubbing.

“Why,” he asked the empty air. “I’m just some guy.”

“We both know that isn’t true,” Soramir said, suddenly next to Jason. “I sensed your arrival in this world several days ago. I’ve seen the things lurking inside you and even I don’t know what all of them are. Your familiars alone are terrifying.”

Still scrubbing a hotplate, Jason looked sideways at Soramir. The emerald hair and eyes the man had shown at the party had returned to their natural blue.

“I’m no threat to you,” Jason said. “I’m no threat to your family. What do you care about me?”

“You’re angry.”


Jason snatched the hotplate from Shade and flung it off the cliff. It struck the invisible barrier and bounced back, landing on the grass as Jason wheeled on the diamond-ranker.

“I was meant to be done with high-rankers,” he snarled. “You have enough of your own to play with here. Why bother me?”

“My family has done you a disservice, Mr Asano. Brought you into something you neither asked for nor deserve. Because of that, you are a threat to us. Not a grave one, perhaps, but potentially an embarrassing one.”

Jason closed his eyes, getting himself under control. For all his rage, his aura hadn’t so much as twitched. After it had inadvertently spooked his family, Jason had resolved to never let it out of his control again, whatever his emotional state. Soramir was one of the few that could see right through him, however, seeing the pain and rage burning his insides like a furnace.

“I assume this is something to do with Zara,” Jason asked in a calm, soft voice.

“Yes. I would not normally involve myself in the affairs of the family like this but one of our descendants came to us because the family needed to take your measure. This is not such an easy thing to do.”

“Take my measure. You mean pry out my secrets.”

“I do. I was curious when the person my family wished to investigate was the same one who arrived in this world in such spectacular fashion. You were lucky to land in that storm or I wouldn’t have been the only one to take notice.”

“That doesn’t seem to matter anymore, does it?”

“I suppose not. You were meant to think we were just another pair of gold rankers.”

“Just another pair of gold rankers,” Jason said in a muttered echo, running a hand over his exasperated face before meeting Soramir’s eyes again. “I’m a silver-ranker. Gold rankers shouldn’t know my name, let alone you. How long until one of you kills me in a way that sticks?”

“You’re still here. That says something.”

"I've got something to say too, but I won't. It wouldn't be diplomatic."

Jason gestured at Shade, who had retrieved the hotplate, and started cleaning off the dirt it picked up after being thrown.

“I’ve been dead and gone and you aren’t slapping me around,” Jason said, calm once more. “That means whatever problems you’re having aren’t from something I did. What did Zara do, and how bad is this for me?”

“Are you familiar with the practice of political marriage?”

“The basic concept, sure.”

“Zara was matched with a formidable young man from a very powerful and important family. Their union would have created political stability leading into the monster surge which we now face.”

“Made all the worse by the Builder using it to jump in.”

“You jumped in as well.”

“All I’m invading is the local crystal wash supply. I’m not that hard to deal with.”

“Your soul says otherwise, Mr Asano. It tells a story of war.”

Jason washed off the hotplate and set it back onto the barbecue while Shade pulled out the next one.

“So,” Jason said. “What did she do to mess up this marriage arrangement? More importantly, what does that have to do with me?”

"In our culture, it is common to enter a two-year period of formal mourning after the loss of a spouse. Or prospective spouse."

Jason’s hand stopped scrubbing.

“She didn’t.”

“I’m afraid she did. Too publicly for the family to stop or rescind without making the political mess she made even worse. Which, of course, was her intention.”

“That is not an acceptable thing to do,” Jason said and went back to scrubbing.

“No,” Soramir agreed. “It is not.”

“A little flirting and a plate of gem berry milk nut squares do not constitute a proposal.”

“I’ve seen cultures where that could be argued, but I take your point.”

Jason let out a laugh that sounded like a sob as it trailed off and he hung his head.

“It wasn’t meant to be like this,” he muttered.

"This is an issue that needs to be resolved," Soramir said. "If we had realised what had happened before you registered with the Adventure Society here, we could have sent you away quietly without anything coming of it.”

“You can still do that,” Jason said. “You have the power to get me out of here, Adventure Society be damned.”

“Your absence is no longer enough. Even gone, it will only be a matter of time before your resurrection is noticed. Trying to cover it up now would only draw attention to it.”

“Too many fingers in the Adventure Society pie?”

“Just so.”

“What, then?”

“For now, continue as you have been. Be an overlooked adventurer. There is a grace period before you will be discovered by others in which the family will formulate a response. Pelli and Liara Rimaros will be your contact points going forward. The family will likely need your cooperation for whatever comes after.”

“And what do I get for my cooperation?”

“I’m certain they can compensate you to your satisfaction.”

“I’m not.”

“I’m not here to negotiate, Mr Asano.”

“Neither am I. I’m here to clean barbecues, so pitch in or sod off.”

“This is not going well, is it?”

“I used to be better at hiding my emotions,” Jason said. “I guess they used to be smaller. Not that there’s any hiding from you.”

“What do you want, Mr Asano?”

“You won’t send me away?”

“It’s too late for that.”

“Then bring my team to me. They’re in Vitesse. Rufus and Farrah’s teammate, too. And Farrah’s parents”

“That is manageable, although it will have to be after everything has come out. If you get special treatment before then, your anonymity will not hold. What else?”

“All I want is to meet my friends and be left alone. I don’t want anything else from you or your family.”






Jason is furious. Dang I didn't expect it to elicit that bad a response. Though in hindsight I should have


"Let's all go take a sausage to the mouth." Is my favorite Jason quote by far!

Max Thomas

Glad to see Jason isn't rolling over or treating the situation like no big deal. Zara's family owe him HUGE especially since they seem to want him to either go along with the ruse or otherwise help them with the situation they created.

Mark Thorne

I get Jason being a bit heartsore and sick of high rankers, but this seems a little over the top for him.

Greg Lambert

wow! what a chapter. I can't wait to move past some of the political intrigue and move to some battle scenes. Must see Jason rank up so he only has diamond rankers to worry about....well and gods...and all the others.

Paul Boros

I myself am looking forward to the next Jason/Zara interaction....


I’m going to have to go back and reread some chapters. I don’t remember this issue with Zara - But, maybe Dawn will b*tch slap the family back in line. 🤣

David Fletcher

If she intended to help things go smoothly here, she would have done so already. Makes me think of the line either Dawn or Gabrielle said about more sacrifices here after Jason and Farah got back to this world.


Just wondered what’s the difference between a swordsman and a swordsman from rimaros? That would be a interesting fight comparison

Jonathan Walker

Fucking knew it had nothing to do with kids but all to do with marriage lol


Question for anyone that remembers. Was this marriage by Zara mentioned earlier in the story at all? I only say because it feels like it came COMPLETELY out of left field and I'm wondering if I missed something apparently important. All remember of Zara is the flirting in the tent way back in the contest for Emir. And then this..... what on earth did I miss?


wow..shirt is really swimming in that thick sticky political j...uice. Jason needs to have a leave me alone button he can click that will kill anything on the planet (such as a diamond) that everyone powerful knows about...such fucking bullshit he has to lose his girl, lose his family and now lose peace with his new family that's not scared of him, for political shenanigans but i get it only through tempering will the potential of the precious metal be revealed, but it sucks for us watching. also I get it but screw Zara..




Small edit. Jason said, waived his arm should be Jason said, waiving his arm.

mockery jones

Wow, this really demonstrates how much Jason has been traumatized by his time back on Earth. Jason of the first two volumes would have empathized and been both admiring of Zara's play and amused by how spectacularly it is going to backfire on her now that he is back.

Joel Sasmad

Dang, I really feel for Jason here.


I'm torn up for Jason. I will say that Soramir/his family handled this much better than they could have. Yes, he's been forced into this. Yes, they're going to have to handle it with him being involved. However, they aren't spiriting him away or slapping a collar on him.


I for one am glad to see Jason deal with something that requires his mind. Murder hoboing is fun, but now there are meaningful consequences and checks on him. I would have enjoyed a few more halycon days, but conflict drives a story. Here's to hoping he finds a solution and doesn't have to bugger off to a third world absent diamond rankers.


They could just play it of as his death and absence fundamentally changed him "which it did" and those changes make the marriage impossible to go forward. They could probably even get away with Zara needing time to adjust to his return and the shock or whatever from him changing and calling off everything. Something along those lines.


My wife has the same feelings about this. She said that Jason should just publicly just break off the engagement without saying anything else. Just say it's over then get kicked out of Rimaros.

Dylan Oliver

You know I think if Jason really wanted to get rid of this problem he could ask Dominion to solve it in exchange for a favor, based on how Dominions treatment of Jason has been so far I bet he would do it and Kingdom politics definitely seem like something he would have a say in

Leonard Marchant

To be honest, the political intrigue has always been a strong point, and the battle scenes weak (when larger than a brief scuffle) ... so I'm fine where we are haha.

David Fletcher

You sure about that last bit? Being told who your point of contacts are for things you shouldn’t and don’t want to be involved with feels like an invisible collar. He’d be foolish to think otherwise.

David Fletcher

Dominion would either demand service or something else he wouldn’t or couldn’t part with.

Mark Thorne

I'm just a little worried now about the guy who brokered the crystal wash. Jason brokered the deal and deliberately overpayed to secure goodwill. If that guy turns out to be part of the rival faction, and Jason can't deny knowledge of the engagement, then it may be taken as a deliberate poke at the rival family...


Didn’t know how they would be reunited, but this is an interesting way to go about it (I know it hasn’t happened yet though)


Great chapter!


Not sure I get the title of this one.


Pretty excited that THE OG Rimaros and Jason are on a first name basis and that he is a firm believer in fair play.. this little Barbecue essentially/ accidentally made Jason untouchable to the royal family.. I mean Soramir is the reason Gold rank kings step down because of the competition, it’s not likely if the king gets angry they’ll let him take it out on Jason..


Can he just say "fuck off, clean your own mess yourself and work in the shadown for i stay out of it and its dont bring me in, and dont try to fuck me for clean your own mess, not worth the mess you gonna go in with other people/thing if you touch me or silence me, believe me diamant ranker or not and your kingdom dont want this, you have no idea, its not worth it at all, after the surge and the obligated work at the adventurer society here is done i will be gone, so work your own little problem dont splash on me untill then, better yet make it its Zara who pay for her own mess herself in the end, cut tie disonorate or wathever with her, her fault her pay


Yeah he total feed up with this type of shit, honestly its total normal and im quite surprised he still dont have said fuck off to a lot of the shit who keep grabing at him and manipulate him (Knowledge/Phenix/Dawn)


That reunion would go like a turd in a punchbowl.


I'm kind of confused. I thought both simaros and Zilla are diamond rankers. Or that's how I read it anyways


It corresponds to the comment of what the Diamond ranker can see in Jason's soul.


"It’s lovely to meet you both. Let’s all go take a sausage in the mouth." That killed me man xD, its like "really.....fuck off and go all eat a dick fucking bastard" say in a politic way ;P


My biggest concern for Jason isn’t about what Zara’s family will do with him, it’s what the family of the guy she was supposed to marry will do. They’ll probably think he’s some low life hanger on who swooped in and stole their prize.


Yeah first reaction of Zara’s family was to kill him or make him disappear, lucky ancestor diamond get the infos before they act and made them think, well he gonna be fucked but atleast except a outlier of the family, he "safe" on the mortal threat Now the prob is the other family who maybe dont have enought infos or thinking (a diamond rank think in the hundred year) like the young master act or shit, so the "deadly" prob is what they gonna do now


He should pay a visit to the other family


My question is what happens to either/both worlds if Jason gets killed before finishing his work. My guess is no matter the response from pallimustus diamond rankers the builder gets to rip the planet to shreds if Jason doesn’t stabilize the bridge. Guessing they know that from Dawn already, meaning he should just publicly state that towards Zara that he was already involved with Clive’s wife and Zara should just accept her fate rather then tell tales that he gives a half a shit about her.


Thanks for the chapter :)

Jachin Nelson

When reading the last couple sentence. I was like 'Wait...is Zara Clive's wife?'

James Faulkner

Fuck Soramir and fuck Zara. I wish Jason would name-drop Dawn and then tell them all to go fuck themselves. Diamond Rank means nothing compared to half-transcendent, and the speaker for the Phoenix isn’t gonna be happy if local bs politics results in the ravaging of Pallimistus by the Builder

Danielle Warvel

Poor Jason. This time he didn’t even do anything and he Still got screwed over.


Well anyway... I really like the direction this is all going. Once all the slow scene setting is done and the pace picks up I have a feeling we have Volume 1 levels of awesomeness and excitement to come XD Can't wait!


Did Zara marry Jason posthumously to avoid the political marriage or did she declare him her husband to be after their flirtations in Greenstone. I imagine a full grown woman would have greater wisdom if it was the former.


She claimed that they agreed to be married and since he died she entered a 2 year mourning period because of the death of a "potential spouse" to avoid the political marriage for a bit.


Dawn would never involve herself in this. This isn't Phoenix related business


So, is this bit from the previous chapter foreshadowing for Jason's and Zara's future? "Liara was no different. In her youth, she had been married to a local lordling to secure royal influence in that family's affairs. Although she and her husband lived largely separate lives, especially now their children were grown, it was a cordial union. They were more friends and occasional lovers than true companions but they were happy." After all, they don't really know each other. Maybe once they work past this whole mess and learn more about the other, they'll find out they actually get along well. It does depend a lot on who Zara turns out to be as a person though. Also I could see Jason never letting her live that down. Joking about how hopelessly she fell for him after tasting his pastry once, to the point that even his death couldn't stop her. Speaking of death and marriage, if Jason ever gets married, let's hope the vows wont include any form of "till death do us part".


That would make for another relationship cut short, given his track record.


Wooow, supremely messed up. And honestly not his fault, surprising


Can Soramir see Jason's titles when digging into his aura? How does he discern 'a story of war' - from the soul scars and emotions alone, or more?


Good ending line from Jason. I also like the little freakout from Jason. It feels in character and seeing him be expressive in more ways is nice. Good chappy


Clives parents are deeply exposed to the monster surge, possibly more so than farrahs, did he forget them?


The frenemies banter between zara and sophie will be great :)

Bert Babb

Jason and Zara interaction.... l can only hope that its 1/2 as fun as my favorite chapter, 322 where we get a "full Jason" rant to his fam - "l'm a ninja wizard, a magic man......" l just love that chapter!!!

Bert Babb

LIFE IS NOT FAIR...... we all have to deal with this. Sometimes we can do no wrong and sometimes whatever we do just wont work. (Job 1:8 Then the Lord said to Satan, “Have you considered my servant Job? There is no one on earth like him; he is blameless and upright, a man who fears God and shuns evil.”)


He can. Most of those titles have language about how they feel when his aura is scrutinized.


The puzzle is how to get Zara to renounce their engagement. Soramir is playing it straight because they need Jason to play along with it until Zara kicks him to the curb. But they also have to get Zara to play ball and she's likely to have that spoiled + willful princess mentality, which will make it a tough one.


Finally caught up now I can sleep and maybe do things other than obsessively binge everything from book 2 in 4 days I love this series so much I’m so excited for more chapters!!