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The title says it all, really, which leaves me somewhat at a loss about what to put here. I hope the extra interval chapters over the weekend got everyone primed for the return of the regular schedule. I'm still not completely convinced it was the best plan, since extra work is not the best way to set myself up for the next few months, but I don't always make the best life choices.

If I'd made better choices years ago, I could have a wife and kids and a sensible job instead of an inappropriately large board game collection and spending my days writing about a kung-fu wizard. Actually, things seem to have worked out pretty well, now that I look at it. Never mind.


Sean McCook

It’s here hazzah

Alexander Doran

Is it a good idea to read over the chapters from 455 I think that's the first chappy of the interval again whilst drunk. :3 yay alchohol


Good on you, I don’t have any of those things.


For all i care half the planet can burn as long i get my daily fix of novels


Worse things in the world then writing about kung fu wizards. Thanks for everything you do, loving the story and the interval was a nice bridge.

Knight Axel

No, wife and kids are for losers. You must continue to entertain me in the evenings for money!

Sam Baker

Amazing! Literally makes my damn day every day. Can't wait!


So technically, you're Jason's friend that was killed by Gerling?


Even your messages are amazing 👏




I'm glad you are here writing.

Ken Ridley

And we're back, with the one and only SHIRT! Wooht


You're alright dude. You are making a living from the product of the tap of your fingertips. You're published and have a dedicated following that only grows larger by the day. You care about your work and the contact you keep with the people around you. If you're still worried, just keep close friends around so they can help keep your head on straight. Things have a way of falling into place from there.

Alexander Doran

Along as you are not the person speeding by the house I rent with a canoe strapped to your rooftop I say you are doing alright by my books *hugs n love to you n your family*

Hunter Vook

I mean, yeah we are hyped

Gavin Lawrenson

You rock, super hyped to have Jason back! I've spent the past month picturing just how obnoxious of an entrance will he make upon arrival. Right now I'm picturing him arriving on the ruined estate where he started, racing to Greenstone at the start of the monster surge in a Shade helicopter blasting ACDC rather than Ride of the Valkyries ala Apocalypse Now.


Lol let’s go


lets go


seriously one of my favourite books and if it ends I shall cry


I hope this volume will be better then vol 2. The story was just progressing to slow for my taste, for example the astral space transformation thingies should be condensed down by about 10 chapters. For me, reading those because a chore because of how repetitive the concept is with little variation in the order of how they played out. The astral space transformation arc didn't escalate in tension quite right. A bit disappointing because with a bit more spice and umph they could've been great instead. Overall I hope the pacing of the story will pick up again, to a similar speed to vol 1 book 1. That being said, it was still fun to read, and the first few story arcs on earth are great. Later on I think we got too few stat screens and stat progression for all characters for my taste - after all this IS a LitRPG -, but that could be intentional. So thanks to the author for the work of art for us all to enjoy!


The suspense! I wonder if Jason will show up into some kind of battle and completely sweep the floor with whoever tries to take out his team? Knowing his luck some kind of battle will happen the moment he shows up.

Gabe Canada

Just Mary a king fu wizard. Life solved.