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To all appearances, Marta Fries was an unremarkable resident of the city of Kurdansk. Like many of Kurdansk’s celestines, she had dark skin and silver hair. Her small row house was no different to the others wedged together on the narrow street where she lived.

The plain but powerful aura suppression bracelet on her arm hid her silver-rank aura but also impeded her aura senses, so she didn’t sense the approaching bronze-rankers until they were close to her door. There was something unsettling about the celestine; a hint of familiarity that put Marta ill at ease. She didn’t dwell on it or hesitate, immediately moving to her bedroom and pulling up the rug to reveal a trap door from which she took her emergency bag.

Mara pushed aside the wardrobe to reveal the removable wall panel that she herself had installed. It had gone unused for the two decades since her friend Melody had used it in the course of faking her death. Marta now used it herself, swiftly disappearing into the night. She never sensed the gold-ranker who quietly watched her emerge into the alley.


Sophie knocked again, this time hammering on the door with her fist.

“I don’t think breaking this woman’s door is the first impression you want to make,” Humphrey told her. “I don’t think anyone is home.”

“If she knows something about my mother, I have to find out for myself.”

“I understand that,” Humphrey said, “but you can’t conjure her into being by wanting it enough. You need patience.”

She turned a glare on him and he met her gaze, unflinching.

“You’ve always been a realist, Sophie,” he told her. “In a city full of hidden enemies is not the place to lose that.”

She grimaced but gave a reluctant nod.

“We’ll try again later,” Humphrey reassured her.

“You needn’t bother,” a male voice said as the door opened in front of them. The man behind it had an unexpectedly familiar face.

“Mr Morse?” Humphrey asked. “What are you doing here?”

“The resident is gone,” Callum Morse said. “She’s not coming back.”

“How do you know that?” Sophie asked.

“Because I watched her leave for good,” Cal said.

“Are you tracking her?” Sophie asked.

“I am.”

“Tell me where she is,” Sophie demanded.


“Why not?” Humphrey asked.

“Because you lack the strength to walk that road and I will not let you borrow mine long enough to get yourselves killed.”

“You’re going to keep that from me?” Sophie asked.

“Yes, he is,” a female voice came from behind. Another familiar face was walking up the narrow street behind them. It was Constance, Emir’s hitherto-absent chief of staff.

“You only got this far because Emir asked something of you that he had no right.”

“We agreed to it,” Humphrey said. “It was our choice.”

Constance shook her head.

“Miss Wexler’s motivation is clear and understandable,” she said. “You should know better, Mr Geller. You were raised better. Why would you go along with this?”

“Because she needs it,” Humphrey said, with a glance at Sophie. Constance waited for further explanation but all she got from him was a flat stare. She let out a weary groan.


Emir was in the middle of a massage when his very relaxed body went very tense.

“Sir?” the masseur asked.

Emir whipped himself off the table, snatched up a robe and threw it around himself as he almost skipped out of the massage room. The moment he had been waiting for had arrived as he sensed Constance returning to the cloud ship. She had reached gold rank and come home.

Emir didn’t even bother with an elevating platform. Remoulding the ship to open a hole under his feet and through the decks below, he dropped multiple levels. His robe was one of the things flapping around in his rapid descent to the docking chamber of the cloud ship.

“This is what you’ve been up to?” Constance scolded as Emir landed in a crouch. “What was the rule about wearing pants in front of the staff?”

Emir looked up with a grin, which turned to a frown. Constance’s normally neck-length brown hair was cropped short and her pale skin contrasted unflatteringly with the light green and brown armour she was wearing. What perturbed him was not her appearance but the fact that she and Callum were frog-marching Sophie and Humphrey in through the docking port, along with the embarrassed-looking people Emir had sent to trail them.

“What exactly is happening?” Emir asked.

“Do you seriously think that you should be the one asking that?” Constance asked. Emir had been longing to hear her voice, although not in that particular tone. “Using bronze-rankers as bait?”

“We made our own choices,” Humphrey said.

“You’re bronze-rank,” Constance said without breaking her gaze from Emir. “You don’t get to choose danger like that.”

Sophie deftly twisted out of the grip Constance had on her arm, turning to poke Constance in the chest.

“We chose to put our lives on the line and one of us died saving a city full of people,” Sophie said. “You want to shove us around, you’re gold-rank and you can. But if you denigrate what we’ve done and what it cost us then I will find a way to kick the crap out of you, gold-ranker or not. How’s your poison resistance?”

Callum snorted a rare laugh at Constance’s nonplussed expression while Humphrey grinned proudly. Emir did his best to mask his expression, with mixed results. Callum put a calming hand on Constance’s arm.

“They’ve faced their own trials and made real sacrifices, Connie,” he said softly. “They might be in dire need of guidance but we still have to respect that.”

“Wait,” Emir said. “Connie?”

“That being said,” Callum continued, ignoring Emir, “respecting their experiences is not the same as letting them run off and get killed.”

“What were you thinking, Emir?” Constance asked, turning to Emir once more.

“How do you even know what’s going on?” Emir asked her. “You’ve been gone for a year.”

“You think you’re the only one tracking the Order of the Reaper?” Callum asked.

“I did, yes,” Emir said. “Everyone is looking at the Cult of the Builder, now. Adventure Society, governments, everyone. Are you saying you’re running your own game? Why on your own? Why not throw in with me?”

“Because you aren’t my only loyalty, Emir,” Callum said. “I’m part of the Cult of the Reaper.”

“Since when?” Emir asked.

“Since always.”

“You never told us that.”

“I told Gabriel and Arabelle.”

“Everyone on our team but me?”

“You have a big mouth, Emir. Especially when you aren’t wearing pants.”

Callum glanced over Sophie and Humphrey.

“Your judgement isn’t always sound,” he continued, “and you need someone to keep you in check.”

“Like Connie, here?” Emir asked.

“Yes,” Callum said.

“Do you even want me back?” Constance asked Emir.

“How can you even ask that,” Emir said. “I just jumped down five decks with no pants.”

“We all saw,” Humphrey said. “Perhaps some clothes and a little time will give us a chance to discuss things more calmly.”

“You haven’t lost all sense, then,” Constance told Humphrey. “You realise I’m going to tell your mother about this.”

At that moment, Neil appeared via elevating platform, his possessions packed into the dimensional bag slung over his shoulder. He looked around at Emir in his robe, Sophie and Humphrey, Constance and Callum, plus a handful of Emir’s silver-rank operatives trying to avoid anyone’s attention.

“Did I miss something? I missed something, didn’t I? Nobody tells me anything.”


“There are trails to follow, but they’re dangerous for you, as you are now," Callum told Sophie. "You're too weak and your team is scattered to the wind. Reach silver-rank, gather them together and I will give you what you need to take the next step."

“You don’t have the right to keep knowledge of my family from me,” Sophie said.

“But I have the power,” Callum said, “and there is nothing you can do about it but wait. Concentrate on growing stronger.”

“Surprise,” Emir said. “The guy obsessed with getting stronger suggests you go get stronger.”

Sophie, Humphrey, Neil, Emir, Constance and Callum were sitting in one of the cloud ship’s secondary bar lounges, Emir now wearing clothes.

“If it were your family, how would you take someone keeping it from you?” Sophie asked Callum. Emir winced, breaking his gaze from where it had been locked on Constance.

"Not the approach to take," Emir told Sophie. "You and Callum have much in common when it comes to family."

"I understand your frustration," Callum told her, seemingly unfazed. "But I also know the price of letting your emotions drive you places they should not. So, I'm stopping you, until you are ready. Hate me if you like."

“That woman knew my mother,” Sophie said. “And you let her go.”

“She needs to go,” Callum said. “You have brought attention onto her that will get her killed. She needs to disappear from more than you if she’s going to live long enough for you to get your answers.”

“I could have had them today,” Sophie said.

"No," Callum said. "If not for the presence of Constance and I, you and she would most likely be dead, along with Emir's people trailing you."

“Then what do you expect us to do now?” Sophie asked. “Because I am done playing fish on a hook and I don’t care about the stabby pricks of the Reaper.”

“I’m a little curious about them,” Humphrey said. “If you’re part of the Order of the Reaper, why are you letting us run in circles hunting for them?”

“I’m not a part of the Order of the Reaper,” Callum said. “The Cult of the Reaper venerates the principles of the Reaper. The sanctity of death.”

“Sound like the church of Death,” Neil said.

“We have long worked alongside the church of Death. Our values and objectives are often aligned. The Order of the Reaper is an offshoot of the cult. They started as a faction that wanted to become more active. Specifically, to accrue political power.”

“That doesn’t seem to fit what I know of the Reaper,” Humphrey said. “Admittedly, that isn’t a lot, but that shows how obvious it is.”

“Yes,” Callum agreed. "The order split from the cult, mouthing affinity to the Reaper while abandoning the principles that come with it. They became self-serving assassins until they overreached and were forced to falsify their demise. The so-called last bastion of the order, that you explored beneath Sky-Scar Lake, was part of a faction that sought to retain ties with the cult. They counselled reconciliation and were sacrificed for it.”

"How do we not know this?" Emir asked. "Jason's Asano's familiar should have had this information."

“The shadow of the Reaper that administered the trials was a familiar from a time before the cult and the Order segregated. It was set in place when the astral space was a trial grounds for our youngest recruits, from whom our larger secrets were kept. I suspect the order was careful in what they allowed him to learn, given that he was a part of the re-emergence plan taking place even now.”

“I don’t care about any of this,” Sophie said, standing up.

“Do not go out into the city looking for answers,” Callum warned. “They left with the woman who disappeared and all that waits for you now is death.”

Humphrey stood up as well.

“I don’t like it either,” Humphrey said.

“But you think I should let it go?” Sophie asked him.

“I think neither Mr Morse nor this city will give you the answers you want. But there are sources of knowledge greater than either of them.”

Constance put a hand over her face and groaned.

“Must you, Mr Geller?”

"This is my team, not yours," Humphrey told her. "You can disapprove all you like, but we get to make our own mistakes."


Vitesse, the city of flowers. Located in what Jason Asano would know as the French Riviera, its iconic skyline was marked by huge towers with flowering vines spilling down the exterior. Known as the garden towers, most had every third or fourth floor dedicated to gardens using water, light and plant magic to create lush refuges of peace towering over the city below. They were residences for the city’s wealthy elite, meaning aristocrats and adventurers, as well as headquarters for the city’s key organisations.

The Adventure Society and Magic Society both maintained entire buildings to themselves. The continental council for the Adventure Society sat in Vitesse, rather than the capital. The royal family maintained a tower as a palace, with most of the family residing there.

The Remore family had no aristocratic title, while the Gellers had only a title from the small provincial city of their origin, refusing all others. Neither family was begrudged their residences in some of the city’s premier towers, however. On a courtyard balcony thick with floral aromas, Danielle Geller was giving her son a disapproving look.

“I always intended for you to learn from Jason Asano,” she told him. “You may have learned some lessons I did not intend, however. I’m not sure I approve of this rebellious streak.”

“Yes you do,” Humphrey said.

Danielle laughed, not denying it.

“Where is Miss Wexler now,” she asked.

“The temple of Knowledge,” Humphrey said.

“Good,” Danielle said, nodding her approval.

“You aren’t afraid she’ll get information that will send us into danger?”

“Knowledge does not give you the answers you want,” Danielle said. “She gives you the answers you need.”


"Now is not the time to pursue this goal," Knowledge told Sophie. In the Vitesse temple of Knowledge’s answer room, Sophie faced the manifestation of the goddess with the same boldness Jason once had. The goddess showed Sophie a different face to what she had shown Jason, now bearing the dark skin of the Vitesse locals.

“That’s not the answer I came for,” Sophie said.

“Yet, it is the answer you have received,” Knowledge said. “The time will come when your companions are made whole. That will be the right time to seek out your past.”

“My companions can’t be made whole,” Sophie said. “You know that.”

“You would presume to tell me what I know? You are as insolent as Jason Asano, but not as adorable.”


“It is time for you to go, Sophie Wexler. I will not set you on the path you want, but I do have one I think you will accept. The time has come for you to reunite with Clive Standish. He has found that the promises of those around him to be worth little and could use allies he can trust.”

“Clive is in trouble?”

“He is making trouble. Whose influence is responsible for that I think we both know. Seek him out, Sophie Wexler, for the past can wait better than he.”


The city of Greenstone was in the far south of the continent that, in Jason’s world, was called Africa. Compared to the low magic, largely empty south regions, the north was much more populous. The city of Rakesh, on the north coast, was the home of the Adventure Society’s continental council. It was just one part of a sprawling campus combining the largest Magic Society and Adventure Society strongholds on the continent.

Prani Ajus was a Magic Society official who had come to visit the astral magic research wing. One of the research wing’s officials, Lorelei Grantham, spotted her and moved to intercept.

“Grantham,” Prani said. “I have no need of you at this time. I am going to see Mr Standish.”

“He’s caught up in his latest round of research,” Lorelei said. “You know what he’s like. This might not be the best time.”

“Grantham, are you covering for him?”

“I have no idea what you’re talking about, Lady Ajus.”

"If you are going to lie, Grantham, do me the courtesy of making it vaguely plausible. Mr Standish hasn't placed one of his insistent requests for fieldwork in more than a month."

“Perhaps he has come to accept that they will be rejected,” Lorelei suggested.

“That’s what worries me,” Prani said. “I will not permit him to go off on some aimless, ill-conceived mission of vengeance over some unimportant dead man.”

“We promised him he would have the chance to take the fight to the Builder.”

“Which he will,” Prani said. “Vicariously. That man has an extraordinary mind and I will not allow some cultist to put a hammer through it. Now, enough delays. Take me to Standish.”

Lorelei reluctantly led Prani through the building to where Clive was supposed to be working. Opening up the door to his workshop, she was surprised to find that he was. Behind a glass wall was a ritual room where Clive was standing in the middle of an elaborate ritual circle. With him in the centre of the circle was a metal arch, engraved with runes.

The glass wall was designed to restrict any magic that might interfere with the rituals inside while allowing sound to pass through easily.

“Mr Standish,” Prani said. “I would like a report on your current activity.”

Clive turned from where he was examining the arch to look back through the glass.

“Oh, Lady Ajus. Hello, Lorelei.”

“Mr Standish,” Prani repeated. “What are you doing?”

“What I was told to do,” Clive said. “I’m unlocking the secrets of the astral magic the Builder cult uses. This portal arch, for example, is part of a transportation network the cultists and their church of Purity allies use to move about without drawing attention from the may people hunting them down.”

“Alleged allies,” Prani corrected.

“Of course,” Clive said with an insincere smile.

“And how are you progressing?” Prani asked.

“Well,” Clive said, “why don’t we find out?”

He pointed a hand at the arch and it lit up with rainbow energy. Prani yelled as Clive stepped through immediately and she slapped her hand against the glass, which shattered. She dashed forward with silver-rank speed as the portal went dormant again in her face. She wheeled on Lorelei.

“Open it back up!” Prani demanded.

“I don’t know how,” Lorelei said. “I’m an administrator, not a researcher.”

“We’re in the astral magic research department,” Prani said. "Find someone who is."


Rick White

I can’t wait for them to reunite.

James Faulkner

Clive really found a more eloquent way to say, “imma go avenge my friend, get fucked” 😂

Scout Mills

Clive is the best


Looks like Clive is tired of the bull****!


I know we need their story but i cant wait for Asano to just pop in all nonchallant

Tristan A

Interesting that assuming this timeline is somewhat in line with Jason's or close to it that Jason will now be the strongest of his group when he returns. At least in terms of rank. I wonder how close the rest are to silver. Thanks for the chapter


I can't wait for more!!


Clive clearly craves ckicking cultists (i tried)


I would guess that when Jason returns they will all be silver. The first flashback is the closest ish to when Jason left. These are way earlier.


I like how Knowledge told Sophie that Jason is alive but she was to hot headed to listen. I'd would be kind of funny if Jason and Knowledge dated


I love how Knowledge just indirectly tells Sophie Jason is alive but she's too angry to understand.


This looks like a fun little interlude into setting up the third arc. The quest for Sophie mom

Corwin Amber

'may people hunting' may -> many


I honestly was expecting Jason to just pop out of the portal arch and make some hilarious quip.


Just waiting for the chapter where Clive does the equivalent of a magical Hellfire missile on a cultist base... Gonna be a good time.


When speaking of Emir’s team it should be ‘Gabriel’ not Gabrielle :)

Bobby B.

I feel like these could have been sprinkled throughout the earth arch as interludes, maybe when it goes to print?


Thank you!


I really hope the next chapter is Dawn telling them he alive and heading over. Also I'm interested if Dawn or the reaper will give Jason anything as compensation for saving the world a second time. Hopefully he gets the way of the Reaper silver skill book

Henri Black

Craig clearly craves cultist culling catharsis, alternatively there's Cathartic Cultist Culling.


While that might make some sense the point of these interludes as I understand it is to allow the author to take a break between major story arcs while still giving some relevant content to catch us up on what's been going on in other areas of the universe.


I really hope Sophie goes gaga when Dawn shows Jason's recording crystal. Clive's reaction should be really funny


The fact that someone that hugh up in the magical society is still saying purifies involvement is alleged doesn't bode well for when it becomes a hot war.


I wonder why Knowledge finds Jason adorable when anyone else would find him pitiful or broken

Chad Hagner

Omg just a taste!!!! I want more!!!!! I want Jason's grand entrance back to the world in the most ridiculous way that he does things!


I love the story and chapter overall but I really feel the reaper section struggles. It can be good when things evolve over several sentances/paragraphs but this section feels like it ignores the characters (barely any reaction to someone saying they're part of a reaper org?) and also introduces a whole new influence (including real impact what characters are doing) without much/any real pushback. Still!, amazing chapter overall!


What I don't get is how Sophie talking to that woman would have gotten her killed. If a couple of gold ranks could find her so easily despite the suppression bracelet, why couldn't whoever is after her? Its not like a couple of bronze ranks visiting someone is a noticeable thing, not with how many there are. Overall it sounds like you are just making Emir and the others the bad guys for no good reason, just like you did with a lot of people in the last arc.


I don't think Jason would ever date Knowledge, even with his new character growth and maturity. For which I don't blame him, honestly. Knowledge has so far been extremely manipulative and dishonest.


It's kind of like a game of hide and seek, with that one friend that's making a lot of noise to try to get into your hiding spot. You could have the best spot, but if someone comes stomping around the area you're hiding and the seeker notices, you'll get caught eventually, whereas without said friend it's a lot easier to hide in a place not heavily scrutinized.


Yeah we gonna have a lot of fuck up situation and chaos when he come back Big ever wave + interdimensionnal War + treason and infighting + shit with some god fighting Man what a ride we gonna have soon


I may be reading too much into it, but is Humphrey falling for Sophie? This part is what made me feel that way: “Miss Wexler’s motivation is clear and understandable,” she said. “You should know better, Mr Geller. You were raised better. Why would you go along with this?” “Because she needs it,” Humphrey said, with a glance at Sophie. Constance waited for further explanation but all she got from him was a flat stare. She let out a weary groan.


Not sure. Jason noted before he died that Sophie would be a good match for him but that neither of them were ready for that kind of relationship. Sophie needed to grow/mature as an adventurer etc and he didn't want her affection because of what he did for her but because they were genuine.


Maybe she does find him pitiful and broken....in an adorable way....different strokes for different folks as they say.....


I wonder how the timeline matches with Jason’s at this point of time? I’m making a big assumption that they’re going to be silver rank by the time he comes back


Wait, how does Knowledge know Jason is coming back? Her knowledge should be limited to the what the people on her world know. Does anyone there know he's coming back?


She knew Jason was alive and would look for a way back to Pallimustus. She's aware that his return is a possibility but is not certain and likely preparing for either scenario. She also likely has a little crush on Jason and is annoyed with sophie in spite of that


I think we're over looking something. Callum Morse is a member of the Cult of the Reaper. A core tenet of the Cult of the Reaper is the finality of death. Farrah was brought back from the final death and Jason has a habit of not staying dead. Think there's going to be friction over this with the Cult. I'll even go as far to say someone from the Cult is going to take a shot at them both and they won't care that it was the Reaper that okayed Farrah's return.


I imagine your right. Rufus and Jason being close to the same distance away from gold. And the others just reaching silver.


Considering Jason and Farrah both have the Reaper’s blessing to be alive I don’t actually think there’ll be much conflict though I won’t put it past Shirt to have one or more people try to attack them over it


The Cult of the Reaper is not the same as Order of the Reaper. You should re read the chapter more closely.


I think, they'll all meet up in the city with Gary, Jory, Belinda, and Neil at the same city. When they do (I'm drawing a blank on the name of the character) but the girl Jason gave the Crystal to, so she would hand it off them will show up something will happen after they see it, and when things look bad Jason shows up.


George, the Reaper Itself has given its ok when it talked things over with the World Phoenix, plus Shade, who is basically the Reaper’s kid, is good with them. Things should be fine.

Greg Lambert

The Past Can Wait...but I"m not sure I can for more chapters.


Is anyone else excited for June almost exclusively because daily releases are coming back?


Yep, I go through withdrawal during these limited release schedules. This is my first for Shirt, but I have done others.

Steven McNeeley

I really can't believe no one came back with him from Earth. Taki, Vermilion, his niece, that one guy who has a serious man crush on Jason and copied his Essence combination pretty much. I'm really supirsed no one asked to go. Like I kind of get that everybody is afraid of Jason because they see him struggling. But come on he is literally fighting organizations that have been around longer than they've been live almost by himself, give a guy a break.


I'm curious how people back in the other world are going to act towards Jason. Even if It was said a few times, Jason is not your average silver ranker. I would put him on the scale of a Gold-ranked in terms of skill and abilities. The only thing really separating him from other Gold rankers is constitution/durability. His eyes and extreme aura might throw a lot of them off as well. He can probably rival diamond rankers in terms of aura control and manipulation.


Once we dig into volume three, I think you might change your mind. By quite a lot. You're underestimating what people from a place where the adventurers aren't dregs can do.


I'm a sucker for happy endings and poetic justice so I hope volume 3 takes a more positive note amidst the monster surge and the builder invasion. This time Jason will have friends and people who are more capable than him along with people he can trust. Maybe June will be a good month for HWFWM


I agree, i hope jason can find some happiness finally. Everythingnhas been so dark for him. Is it even worth saving people anymore. Hopefully when hes just another silver ranker again he can live again.

Mark Thorne

I really hope Knowledge gives Jason a great big, awkwardly long smooch that just makes everyone around it uncomfortable. Whether it would be just to mess with Jason because she's mischievous (dare I say a flirty Santa Claus?), or because she really does find him adorable, I'll leave to Shirt...but I just can't help picturing the group standing around awkwardly as it just goes on well past the level of socially awkward. :)


I still ship Jason and Sophie. Circumstances will be different when he gets back.


Ah, this is what I just joined the Patreon for. Can I get this intravenously please?


That may not be healthy. Management accepts no responsibility for the ingestion of typos.

Bert Babb

Ever see Young Frankenstein wher Gene Wilder asks to be locked in a room with his creation then begs to be let out when he actually sees the 7' monster coming towards him?