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I have a confession: I'm unsure about the exclamation point in the title of this post. I'm personally excited, yes, but the overuse of this punctuation, especially in promotional material gives me pause.

Is it trite? Overdone? Yeah, probably. But it's sincere, and I grow evermore weary of sarcastic cynicism. It's definitely not that I'm selling out. Please buy my book.

Book 2 can be found in ebook and paperback editions, as well as on Audible, narrated by the delightful Heath Miller.


Patrick Short

I'll definitely be getting the audible for work.


Already bought my copy on kindle and audible.



Rick White

! is definitely warranted. I pre ordered long ago, bought both and I’m already enjoying the Audible.


Congratulations! Thank you for your hard work




Had it on preorder :)


I preordered it on Audible as soon as I finished the first one 😄 listening to it now and it’s really good so far👍👍


In the spirit of sincerity, I'd like to thank you all for making this story a success. You have transformed my life. I've been through some things since I began publishing that would have been quite the hardship if I was still a poor, struggling writer. I was also able to help out my mum in a time when she really needed it, and that means the world to me. So thank you, to everyone who supports this story and has done so in the past. You're all awesome.

Azuolas Korsakas

I was like. " Is this Shirt? Sounds like an auzzie must be him"

Mark Thorne

Congratulations, Shirt! Been enjoying the series very much, and have bought the books on Amazon as well as been a supporter here. Thanks for all the fun times, and look forward to more! Hope you're enjoying your vacation!


I am, thank you. I went on a day trip today to see some of the great natural beauty we have here in Tasmania. I also got to experience crawling through rough as guts logging roads in the middle of the bush because the GPS in my mum's car is wonky, but still, nice overall.

Scout Mills

My only complaint is that there’s not more for me to read, but seeing as your produce what I consider high quality content five days a week I don’t begrudge you a vacation. Hope you have a good time my friend.


I see a distinct lack of amazon unlimited. Does this mean chapters 1-40 etc are back up on patreon?


It is, once again, on Kindle Unlimited. Anyone with a subscription can enjoy the nice, edited version of the story.

Heath Miller

No, YOU are delightful and I bet your MUM is delightful too. Pleasure reading your work into a microphone. Again. Thanks for listening/ordering those who went with the audio version.


Ha, directly on my birthday


The first on audible is incredible. Quick clarification.. Book two still the before the earth arc, I forget?

A disgruntled nondescript squirrel

sigh I miss the old days of frequent chapter releases and wacky hijinks, still good still worth wait but it was nice

Benjamin White

Volume 1 is books 1,2 and I think 3 volume 2 is after that Volume 2 is earth arc

Joel Sasmad

He is just chilling out for this month between books. He'll get back to quicker releases afterwards.

Blayne Allsen

The month break between arc 1 and arc 2, I reread the whole series and ended by getting the patreon and reading as far ahead as I could. I planned to do that in this break, but ended up working most days out of this month so unfortunately won't be able to finish it if I were to start now. The audible versions are definitely gonna help next time there's a month break, because then I can listen to them while I work. Keep up the amazing work Shirt!!


Absolutely loving the audiobook series. I hooked my coworker onto the series by playing it while we're driving. The only thing I hate is the pending delay between audiobook 2 and 3. And, well, enduring the (well-deserved) vacation break before the next arc starts. Enjoy your break Shirt, and we'll be here eagerly awaiting more!


Hey Shirt, if you weren’t enthusiastic about your work, we wouldn’t be either. We can see how devoted you are to your craft and how deeply you care about your characters. Speaking for myself, while I am relatively new to your work, I wouldn’t have read 400+ chapters if you didn’t care about your art. Thank you for your stories and exclamation point away!!

Matthew A Baker

SHIRT!!! Dammit man... what a place to end book 2... that is all I will say.


What chapter does the 3rd book start on? I just plowed through the first 2 on Audible and I'm now looking to start reading it if anyone can help.


Just finished the 2nd audiobook. Brilliant point to pause for the third, and I feel I must congratulate Mr. Miller on another excellent job done. Looking forward to your return, Shirt.


Heath Miller is such a great narrator! I'm loving all the different voices he's able to produce

Nathan Brown

i have all your books and audio books. for he who fights with monsters. i never new you had a patreon till i started looking for when book 6 was coming out. so glad i did :) still buying the audios and paperbacks btw gud stuff