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Return of the Morning Mist




that poor guard at the beginning he got knocked out by Kabuto in the arena and now by Itachi, he cant catch a break :D Im in the show finallyyy wooo! xD and yes Itachi is there too I guess :P what a perfect introduction, Orochimaru hypes it up at first, then the way we get a slow reveal and a little fight in the end, lovely :) Kisame literally means demon shark while Itachi means weasel :) and the Kazekage is dead, good riddance I guess, Gaara might appreciate that :D


Call me stupid but i always imagine Kisame's sword as a wooden ice cream spoon . It's so alike .. anyway it's just my imagination 😅. I mean i love Kisame but i can't help it .


Iachi is stronger than orochimaru because he has a direct counter for orochimaru. While orochimaru has nothing that can counter Itachi

Klie Njoy

Flexie, episode #82 ? :-(

juan calderon

orchimaru is stronger than itachi but itachi has plot armor like no other in the show. its even superior than narutos and naruto is the main character

juan calderon

the only thing that annoys me in naruto universe is the retconning and in the show. wait to you watch shippuden the show is great but they retcon a ton of stuff. and people act like they never seen naruto.

juan calderon

name one jutsu that itachi can do that isnt plot armor. his whole sharigan is plot armor. orochimaru didn't even try edo tensei on him, why??? because the creator retconned it and used orochimaru a plot device. if he summoned all the dead kage even itachi with plot armor wouldn't have survived. i don't want to spoil anything in the comments for flexie. your people dont even realize he killed the kazekage and hokage. 2 of the 5 kages of the world and two of the stongest kages ever. but somehow he could even scratch itachi you drank the koolaid if you blindly believe itachi is stronger if they fought with no mind of the plot orochimaru wins everytime. And this is coming from an itachi fan his story is one of the best in naruto.

juan calderon

orchimaru learned every jutsu and perfected them and he didnt try a single one. come on he was used as a plot device


you need to calm down, man. I ain't gonna argue with someone who thinks Gaara's dad and the 3rd Hokage are 2 of the strongest kages ever lmao that statement right there invalidated your whole argument, not that it was a good one to begin with

Kage Uzumaki

here we go more people complaining about naruto


the amount of pausing she does is insane