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WTF is this... A PICNIC? lol




Also, on the S-Rank topic, I don’t think the show has fully explained that in the world, S-rank pretty much means "Off the charts" and cannot be accurately measured. They literally break the scale. There is the most disparity between the S-rankers when you compare them, where in other ranks you can more accurately compare against them. If for example you are A-rank, it's much easier to tell where you fit against other A-ranks, because they fit in the chart. But one S-rank may be leagues above another S-rank, or much weaker and the only way to find out is to battle. It's also why S-ranks almost can do what they want and Jinchul (the inspector) warns Jinwoo about Dongsoo, because the only person who can stop a S-rank is another S-rank. And any time two S-ranks fight, the whole area could be destroyed. Random info dump over, glad you're enjoying the show!


Idk where the plot is going with this guy from the white tiger guild, but I didn't hate his vibe. I hope they swing it for them to become buddies or something somehow.