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Mark Wood

These are some absolutely kick ass episodes of BSG. Putting the characters in some really hard and dark places and not holding back at all. I love it. If you ever watch another space based sci-fi show, I recommend the Expanse. Been watching science fiction for nearly 50 years, and the Expanse to date is the best science fiction television program (space based) that's ever been made.


I second the Expanse recommendation - its amazing. I'd still say BSG tops the list for me, emotionally it has a lot more that gets under my skin especially in combination with the music. In terms of raw serious hard and super realistic sci-fi though Expanse is fkin great and pretty unbeatable!

Glenn Y

We def need two of these a week 👍👍


The BSG fans are growing on here! Good to see felt like it was just me for a long while :D