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Mercedes and Artie as Brittany and Santana and vice versa is the funniest shit in the entire show to me. You can tell the cast just found it a chance to take the piss out of each other. Also Quinn as Sugar deserves an honourable mention, so cute. This insane camp nonsense is what I like best from glee, to me it's worst moments are when it tries to tackle serious topics and fails.


i strongly believe this is when the show truly cements itself as the rachel berry show. everything you said about the main storyline was spot on, it’s a horrible tease of an episode. tina cohen-chang is my favorite character on glee tied with kurt, and her biggest faults aren’t even hers, it was the writers and their constant dodgy decisions with tinas character. (like, they couldn’t even keep her goth thing consistent) it’s so weird how they started her off in the episode spitting facts about the neglect she’s been experiencing, and after that whole nightmare sequence it seems as if she was just suddenly brainwashed to forgive rachel, to let go of all that resentment thats been building up for 3 years in an instant. it’s just shit writing, and it makes me so very sad because of THE POTENTIAL. i really am looking forward to your reaction of her in season 4. as a fellow tina stan i love when people give her character attention, and how she was mishandled greatly.