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Ragan Michelle

This is a great episode, definitely in my top 3 of the season. So happy you’re loving Santana’s voice, she’s got one of the best voices on the show for sure. It also seems like I have the unpopular opinion of this comment section. I don’t believe Kurt crosses a line in this episode, what exactly did he do other than makeover a room?? He never flirted with Finn this episode, he never put him in a bad position, if anything it was Finns own mother bc she moved in with Burt. Also while Kurt did cross a line before by setting up Burt and carol together, he did nothing else other than teenage flirting. If he was a woman flirting with Finn like that there would NEVER be this kind of uproar and that’s the truth, bc other than him setting up their parents all the flirting he did was innocent and was something that any one of us would’ve done with our crushes in high school. Finn was definitely in the wrong here, and the people saying that Finn told him no and Kurt didn’t listen, when did he say no other than this episode? Okay this comment is too long but I just wanted to say that it’s okay if a gay person has a crush on a straight person, that’s not something they can help, and Kurt did what any other teenage boy would’ve done if they had a crush on a girl (other than the setting up of their parents)

Sebastian Whitaker

This is probs my fave episode of Glee and I loved your reaction! It's honestly my dream to recreate their performance Bad Romance at some point in my life haha