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Yup there's a fair few people that went straight into season 1 - a mess up they should have just called is season 2 really!

Phillip Grischa

There's no reason to look away during the opening, these flashes are supposed to be seen, the producers put them there Intentionally. Fear of spoilers should not make you consume media differently than the producers intended. The flashes in the opening are not different than flash forwards Within an episode or movie, technically they spoil things as in "show things that haven't happened to the characters yet chronologically" or a narrator flat out telling the audience what's going to happen but no one knows exactly what lead to those events.


I disagree heavily - these spoiler flashes prior to episodes are notorious amongst BSG fans. for example he had no idea helo was a character in the main series and was still alive, it shows him running thru the woods, kissing a cylon. It's an infinitely better experience to suddenly happen upon that in the context of the episode. There are MUCH worse things in later episodes that give away the plot to the entire episode when its not even hinted at prior. It shows all the major beats of what happens in the episode. It's ridiculous and awful, why would you want to know what's going to happen when you're literally watching the episode? Why when watching reactions would you want the reactor to have ANY idea of what is going to happen in the episode? I don't get this. This stuff was obviously added by the network in a kind of outdated american network TV philisophy since there are ads between that and the episode, 'stay tuned, don't switch the channel, this is what's after the break', I would put $1000 on the fact the writers of the show probably face palmed and were really annoyed by it. its awful and just an artifact of suits at networks thinking they need to try keep people with a low attention span from switching channel. If you think this is remotely about 'artistic vision' or how it was meant to be watched then that's a shame. (For the record this is my patreon tier choice and my suggestion to avoid, in case it wasn't obvious)