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Here is my reaction to episode 2 of The Wire Season 1, enjoy!




I don’t know what to make of D’angelo. Like is he retarded or like on the verge mentaly or what? 2h they had him in interigation and they had him crying and writing shit down. Just say ”no comment” until your lawyer arrives, what are you a noob? Are you telling me that this clown has street cred. Somethings up with this character. I was thinking he is undercover when he got of his charges in court, perhaps because they need him back on the street, he’s all dissoriented as to how to act when given his new turf to handle, he walked away instead of telling his people what to do with the white kid who scammed them, and him looking at the dead witness guy at the end of last episode had me thinking that he knows he’s caught up in something, which granted he likely is either way, but the way he acts just gives me some weird vibes.


Please tell me if I’m being stupid, I was doing my laundry while watching and I might have missed something essential