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Here is my reaction to episode 4 of SKAM Season 4, enjoy!




Haha, Elias is not drunk very early as it can seems like. Because in Norway in summertime it's daylight until between 08.00-10.00 pm.😉Also the vodka Elias got drunk from was the one Yousef took the blame for. I get the vibe that they are not very used to drinking so maybe Elias didn't knew how much he could handle at all. And maybe that's why he got so wasted.😉 Like your reactions very much as always.👍💫


I think most people that don’t like William just can’t forgive him for his season 1 behavior. I get that, because he did some really shitty things. But he was still just a kid with a difficult family situation, and I bought into his character development in season 2. He’s nowhere near my favorite, though. The Mikael/Even stuff is really interesting. I’m glad that you picked up on that. Wish we could have seen some of the history there from Even’s perspective. Also, the actress who plays Sana is very religious. It was important to the show’s creator that they hire someone who was truly Muslim for that role, so they agreed to not put her into any situations that would compromise her faith. She does such an excellent job for someone who wasn’t even an actress. ✨


Yeah I was the same with William at first, I couldn't stand him because of how arrogant and dickish he was but after S2 we got to see the side of him that he tried to hide. He had a lot of issues and with a brother like Nico you can't really blame him for being like that tbh! I knew the stuff with Mikael was linked with Even right away, they mentioned it for a reason and it was the only thing springing to mind! I had no clue the actress who plays Sana wasn't an actress, she seems so natural when playing Sana so I don't think anyone would pick up on that, fair play to her!