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Here is my reaction to episode 1 of Haven Season 2, enjoy!



Heidi Elizabeth Marcum

Thank you so much for another fantastic reaction for Haven! I am so excited that you're now into season two! And things are only beginning. :) You're right that this episode kicks up right away and is exciting from start to finish. It's amazing, and I love that it brings in the ten plagues of Egypt from the Bible. As for your questions about the Rev... there's definitely more to him than meets the eye. But as for him knowing about the plagues and which ones would come next... He just knows the order of the plagues from reading the Bible and noticed like Nathan did, that the plagues were coming out in the same order as they came within the Bible. I absolutely love Nathan's and Duke's friendship slowly continuing to build up within this episode. You're right that Duke didn't have to come to Nathan to help him bury his father. And I was so happy to see that he came, and that for once... Duke didn't crack a joke when Nathan first told him the Chief had died. It was actually Audrey who started to tease Nathan, and surprisingly, he took it pretty well and laughed in return. I love that Nathan is about to become the new Chief and that he has both Vince's and Dave's support. Unfortunately, the Rev is going to be giving him all kinds of trouble, as will those who support the Rev in his ways. I really hate how the Rev believes that all those who are "troubled" are sinners and have turned their backs on God, and that he openly blames them simply for the way they were born. But he makes for a great adversary for Nathan and Audrey to deal with, which is gonna be fantastic! Next... I really love how Audrey and Nathan, with help from the second Audrey, are able to figure out who is "troubled" and that Audrey is able to help T.J. once she discovers that whatever he reads aloud will come about like the ten plagues do, as does Velveteen Rabbit in the very end once Audrey saves T.J.'s life, as well as all of the first born after they all start dying, including Nathan. As for Duke's wife, Evi Ryan... I love how uncomfortable she makes Duke, especially when he was finally forced to reveal he was married to Audrey and Nathan. I didn't really like her at first, especially because she seems like she's going to be trouble for Duke and I was afraid of Duke taking steps backwards, rather than becoming more than just the smuggler he was when this show first started. But Evi is an interesting character for sure. And lastly... I love that we learn more about the two Audreys, and how they both have the same memories. What a fantastic storyline and the mystery of Audrey Parker continues to get more exciting. Especially now that we see Audrey Two's Agent Howard, who isn't the same Agent Howard we know. Brilliant! Thank you so much once again for your reaction! I really loved watching it, and I cannot wait for more to come!! Until then...